UPDATE! Berkeley Considers Breed-Specific Mandatory Spay/Neuter Proposal
The Berkeley Citizens Humane Commission will meet again on Wednesday, May 17th to discuss a proposal to require mandatory spay/neuter of all “pit bulls.” It is vital that responsible dog owners and concerned breeders attend this meeting. Fanciers are also encouraged to contact their representative on the Berkeley City Council to oppose this measure. The […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/update-berkeley-considers-breed-specific-mandatory-spay-neuter-proposa/ | May 4, 2006
CALL TO ACTION: Help Needed in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles County Supervisors will take a final vote on the proposed mandatory spay/neuter ordinance at their meeting this Tuesday, May 2nd. Dog owners wishing to breed or simply maintain an intact dog will have to pay a $60 per dog fee and meet a host of restrictive criteria. It is urgent that fanciers […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/call-to-action-help-needed-in-los-angeles/ | April 28, 2006
California Bill Would Outlaw Field Trials
Assembly Bill 2110 was recently amended and the new language will affect certain AKC sanctioned events. The bill will prohibit "live field coursing," which is now defined as "a competition in which dogs are, by the use of rabbits, hares, or foxes, assessed as to skill in hunting live rabbits, hares, or foxes." AB 2110 […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/california-bill-would-outlaw-field-trials/ | April 26, 2006
Urgent Help Needed in Albuquerque
City Councilor Sally Mayer is again proposing sweeping changes that would drastically limit fanciers' ability to breed and own dogs, while doing little to address the city's problems with irresponsible ownership. The proposal is currently set for a vote at the May 1st city council meeting. Fanciers are encouraged to attend the meeting, which will […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/urgent-help-needed-in-albuquerque-1/ | April 26, 2006
Louisville Task Force Reconsiders BSL, Punitive Restrictions
Help is needed again in Louisville! In the wake a of public outcry about a proposed breed-specific dangerous dog ordinance, the Louisville Metro Council formed a task force to study issues relating to dangerous dogs and changes to the animal control ordinance. Unfortunately, the latest draft from the task force includes breed-specific language, possible fee […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/louisville-task-force-reconsiders-bsl-punitive-restrictions/ | April 21, 2006
LA County Releases Details of Mandatory Spay/Neuter Proposal
Click here for an update to this Alert The Los Angeles County Animal Board of Supervisors will meet April 18th to discuss their proposal to require all dogs to be spayed or neutered unless their owner purchases a $60 intact animal license (currently $30) and meets the stringent criteria established by the county. The measure […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/la-county-releases-details-of-mandatory-spay-neuter-proposal/ | April 5, 2006
Success in Delaware!
The Wilmington Kennel Club and local dog owners report that the proposed breed-specific ordinance in New Castle County was defeated 11-2 yesterday. The council is now working to establish a task force to come up with effective measures to address the county's problems with loose dogs and irresponsible owners. AKC looks forward to working with […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/success-in-delaware/ | March 15, 2006
Long Beach Lifts Breeding Ban
The City of Long Beach voted this week to repeal its long-standing ban on breeding in favor of a more moderate breeder permit program. The change comes as a result of nearly two years of collaborate work by local fanciers, kennel clubs, and city officials. The American Kennel Club opposes unreasonable breeding restrictions, and we […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/long-beach-lifts-breeding-ban/ | March 10, 2006
BSL Proposed in Delaware
The New Castle County Council will vote next Tuesday, March 14th, on an ordinance to restrict "pit bulls." The measure, authored by Councilman Jea P. Street, defines "pit bulls" as Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers and any dog displaying the physical characteristics of these breeds. The measure will require owners […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/bsl-proposed-in-delaware/ | March 9, 2006
Good News for Oklahoma Dog Owners
AKC has learned from responsible dog owners in Oklahoma that Sen. Earl Garrison, Chairman of the Senate General Government Committee, has agreed not to hear S1569 and S1702. These bills would have permitted cities and counties to enact breed-specific legislation, action that is currently prohibited by state law. With this legislation effectively dead in committee, […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/good-news-for-oklahoma-dog-owners/ | March 8, 2006

Showing 2,331-2,340 of 2,503 results