APHIS Extends Environmental Enrichment Comment Period to April 10
Earlier this week, the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) announced that it has extended the comment period for future proposed changes to the federal Animal Welfare Act’s (AWA) rules and standards, including adding regulatory requirements to address species-specific environmental enrichment for dogs and other regulated animals.  Originally […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/aphis-extends-environmental-enrichment-comment-period-april-10/ | March 8, 2023
Florida: Bills Require Owners of Intact Female Dogs to Register with Government. Oppose Today
Several extremely overreaching and punitive dog breeder bills have been filed in Florida. Senate Bill 1492 and House Bill 1581 define any unsterilized female dog over the age of 6 months as a “breeding female” and would require her owner to register with the state as a “breeder,” pay significant fees, and be inspected by […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/florida-bills-require-owners-intact-female-dogs-register-government-oppose-today/ | March 7, 2023
MN Alert: Oppose Restrictions on Consumer Choice of Pets
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 On Thursday, March 9, 2023, the Minnesota Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee is scheduled to consider Senate File 1317, a bill that seeks to restrict consumers’ freedom of choice in pets by restricting pet stores from selling purpose-bred dogs.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) strongly opposes legislation that seeks to […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/mn-alert-oppose-restrictions-consumer-choice-pets/ | March 7, 2023
Montana Update on Bills Impacting Dog Owners
Friday, March 3, was the crossover deadline in the Montana Legislature for policy focused legislation, meaning bills that do not have a revenue component must have advanced out of their house of origin to remain eligible for advancement. Below is list of bills the AKC has been monitoring and their statuses. Bills in Montana State […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/montana-update-bills-impacting-dog-owners-2/ | March 7, 2023
Arkansas: Help End Dog Breed Discrimination. Take action now!
Dog owners in Arkansas are urged to take action in support of House Bill 1519, a bill that seeks to prohibit a municipality or other political subdivision of the state from controlling or regulating dogs, cats, or other animals based on the specific breed or perceived breed of the animal. House Bill 1519 is on […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/arkansas-help-end-dog-breed-discrimination-take-action-now/ | March 7, 2023
Oregon Update: Bills Impacting Dog Owners
AKC continues to monitor several bills impacting dog owners in Oregon. Below are the latest updates, along with contact information if you wish to comment on any of these measures. AKC GR will continue to provide individual updates and alerts when necessary. Bills in Oregon Legislature: Senate Bill 696 – Funding for State-Appointed Animal Cruelty-Focused […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/oregon-update-bills-impacting-dog-owners/ | March 6, 2023
ME Alert: Support Allowing Use of Courthouse Facility Dogs
Wednesday, March 15, 2023, the Maine Committee on the Judiciary will accept public testimony on LD 888, to Allow Use of Courthouse Facility Dogs by Criminal Justice Agencies for Criminal Justice Purposes. The bill would (1) adopt definitions; (2) establish training requirements; and (3) authorize trained dogs to accompany a witness in courtroom appearances and […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/alert-support-allowing-use-courthouse-facility-dogs/ | March 6, 2023
Illinois: Hearings Tuesday Consider Mandatory Sterilization, Other Issues Impacting Dog Owners
On Tuesday, March 7, a number of bills are scheduled for hearings in Illinois impacting dog owners and all who breed dogs.  This includes a bill establishing mandatory genetic testing and sterilization of dogs with “genetic defects”, among other issues. Illinois residents can make a valuable difference today by filling out a simple online witness […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/illinois-hearings-tuesday-consider-mandatory-sterilization-issues-impacting-dog-owners/ | March 3, 2023
California Update on Bills Impacting Dog Owners
The deadline has passed for bills to be introduced in the California state Legislature. AKC is monitoring several bills impacting dog owners in California. Below are a few highlights. To see the complete list visit the AKC legislative action center at www.akcgr.org  and/or the AKC legislative tracker.  AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will continue to […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/california-update-bills-impacting-dog-owners-4/ | March 3, 2023
Washington state Update: Bills Impacting Dog Owners
AKC continues to monitor several bills impacting dog owners in Washington state. Below are the latest updates, along with contact information if you wish to comment on any of these measures. AKC GR will continue to provide individual updates and alerts when necessary. Bills in Washington state Legislature: House Bill 1234 – Concerning the civil […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/washington-state-update-bills-impacting-dog-owners-4/ | March 3, 2023

Showing 431-440 of 2,553 results