Suffolk County UPDATE: Pet Dealer Bill to Be Held Tomorrow
The American Kennel Club has just learned from the bill sponsor that Proposal 1568, which regulates pet dealers and pet stores, will be recessed tomorrow until a later date. Those interested in commenting are still welcome to attend tomorrow’s hearing, but no action will be taken. The AKC greatly appreciates Legislator Martinez’s continued commitment to […]
| September 4, 2018
NY: Suffolk County Considering Pet Dealer Regulations TOMORROW (9/5)
Tomorrow (Wednesday, September 5), the Suffolk County Legislature is considering an ordinance to further regulate pet stores and anyone who meets the state definition of “Pet Dealer”, defined as someone who sells over 9 dogs a year or over 25 if they are bred and raised on the person’s property. Those who wish to comment […]
| September 4, 2018
Kansas City, MO Seeking Public Input on Animal Control Laws by September 4
Officials in Kansas City, Missouri, are seeking input from residents on numerous proposed changes to the city’s animal control laws. This includes amending the current ownership limit laws and removing breed-specific provisions. Other considerations include mandatory spay/neuter and regulations on tethering and outdoor shelters. The city has set up a website with a questionnaire to […]
| August 28, 2018
Shamong, NJ Reminder: Township to Consider Bans on Future Breeders, Kennels – Express Opposition Now
The Township Committee of Shamong, New Jersey, is expected to consider significant changes to its animal ordinances at its Tuesday, September 4, meeting. As currently worded, the proposal contains many troublesome and controversial provisions, including future prohibitions on kennels and breeders with 5 or more intact females. The proposal also includes breeding and ownership restrictions, […]
| August 27, 2018
NJ Alert: Shamong Township to Consider Bans on Future Breeders, Kennels
The Township Committee of Shamong, New Jersey, is expected to consider significant changes to its animal ordinances at its Tuesday, September 4, meeting. As currently worded, the proposal contains many concerning and controversial provisions, including future prohibitions on kennels and breeders with 5 or more intact females. The proposal also includes breeding and ownership restrictions, […]
| August 17, 2018
Illinois Governor Signs Positive Bill for Animals and Shelters
A new law has been signed in Illinois that will require state animal shelters and animal control facilities to report certain information regarding the animals entering and leaving the facilities. Public Act 100-0870, initiated by AKC’s Illinois federation, the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners (IFDCO), is an important law that will, among other […]
| August 16, 2018
Manatee County, FL – “Pet Sales Ban” on Agenda for Tuesday, 8/14/18
A “pet sales ban” in Manatee County, Florida will be discussed at a workshop on Tuesday, August 14, 2018. Manatee County residents and members of the public who want to learn more about the proposed ban are urged to attend. Manatee County staff indicated that a 2018 ordinance has not yet been drafted; therefore, the […]
| August 10, 2018
El Paso Public Hearing on Possible Grooming Regulations TONIGHT (8/8)
The El Paso Animal Shelter Advisory Committee is holding a public hearing tonight where, among other items, there will be discussion on possible pet grooming regulations for the city. In March 2018, the city council approved the drafting of a new ordinance that could require licensing and other regulations for groomers. AKC understands this meeting […]
| August 8, 2018
USDA Animal Care Division Presents Initiative To Strengthen Relationships With Licensees’ Attending Veterinarians
Today the Animal Care Division of the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) presented a new initiative to enhance the working relationship between licensees such as pet breeders, the veterinarians who attend to their animals' health care needs, and USDA inspectors. Under the new initiative, USDA inspectors will be reach out directly to breeders' veterinarians of […]
| August 8, 2018

Springfield, MO Residents Overturn Breed Ban
Good news out of Springfield, Missouri! City residents voted to overturn a ban that would prohibit any future ‘pit bull’ type dogs from entering the city. The City Council voted 5-4 last October to ban ‘pit bulls’ and the ordinance was scheduled to take effect in January. However, the issue was sent to the ballot […]
| August 8, 2018