Hillsborough Co (FL): Dog Trainer Permits & ‘Puppy/Kitten Mill’ Definition on Agenda Wednesday, 6/28
At its meeting on Wednesday, June 28, 2017, the Hillsborough County Animal Advisory Committee is scheduled to discuss an ordinance that would regulate, set requirements for, and establish fees for dog training businesses and dog trainers in the county.
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/hillsborough-co-fl-dog-trainer-permits-puppy-kitten-mill-definition-on-agenda-wednesday-6-28/ | June 23, 2017
CDC Changes Application Process to Import Dogs Considered Inadequately Immunized Against Rabies
Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced changes to the application process to import a dog inadequately immunized against rabies. Effective August 18, 2017, an importer must apply online for a Permit to Import a Dog Inadequately Immunized Against Rabies at least 10 days before arriving into the United States with the dog.
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/cdc-changes-application-process-to-import-dogs-considered-inadequately-immunized-against-rabies/ | June 20, 2017
New Jersey Assembly to Consider Bill Infringing on Ownership Rights
The New Jersey Assembly could consider a bill as soon as Thursday, June 22, that allows for the seizure and permanent forfeiture of animals taken pursuant to an allegation 'but without a conviction'of animal cruelty.
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/new-jersey-assembly-to-consider-bill-infringing-on-ownership-rights/ | June 20, 2017
Burke County (NC) Considering Amendments to Kennel Laws on Tuesday (6/20)
The Burke County Board of Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, June 20, on several amendments to the county's kennel laws.
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/burke-county-nc-considering-amendments-to-kennel-laws-on-tuesday-6-20/ | June 19, 2017
Oklahoma City Considering Sterilization, Other Animal Control Law Changes Tomorrow- June 20
The Oklahoma City Council is holding a public hearing TOMORROW (Tuesday, June 20) on a proposal that would require the mandatory sterilization and other actions for dogs deemed to be 'menacing' or 'dangerous'.
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/oklahoma-city-considering-sterilization-other-animal-control-law-changes-tomorrow-june-20/ | June 19, 2017
NJ Senate Voting Sessions Coming Up Soon ‘ Time Again to Urge Support of Conditional Veto of S.3041
Additional attempts to overturn the conditional veto of S.3041 are likely to be made at upcoming voting sessions of the New Jersey State Senate. Those voting sessions are scheduled to take place on Monday, June 19; Thursday, June 22; Monday, June 26; and Thursday, June 29. It is important that all New Jersey residents again […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/nj-senate-voting-sessions-coming-up-soon-time-again-to-urge-support-of-conditional-veto-of-s-3041/ | June 14, 2017
CA Action Alert: AB 485 Scheduled for Committee Hearing June 26 ‘ Start Contacting Members Now!
Assembly Bill 485'which seeks to prohibit pet retailers from selling pets (including dogs, cats and rabbits) unless the animals were obtained from a public animal control agency or shelter, a shelter maintained by a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, a humane society shelter, or a nonprofit rescue or adoption organization'is scheduled for […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ca-action-alert-ab-485-scheduled-for-committee-hearing-june-26-start-contacting-members-now/ | June 13, 2017
Providence, RI, on Verge of Enacting Mandatory Spay/Neuter, Dog Ownership Limits
AKC Government Relations has just learned that the City Council of Providence, Rhode Island, recently passed a mandatory spay/neuter ordinance and animal ownership limits. The proposal would require all dogs six months of age or older to be spayed or neutered unless a person acquires a dog breeding permit.
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/providence-ri-on-verge-of-enacting-mandatory-spay-neuter-dog-ownership-limits/ | June 7, 2017
California Action Alert: AB 485 to be Voted on Today
The American Kennel Club (AKC) emphatically supports freedom of choice in selecting a pet. AKC actively promotes efforts to ensure that people are educated, understand the demands of responsible ownership and have access to a pet that is right for them.
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/california-action-alert-ab-485-to-be-voted-on-today/ | May 30, 2017
NJ Update: Yesterday’s Attempted Override of Conditional Veto of S.3041 Failed
As expected, in yesterday's New Jersey State Senate's voting session, State Senator Raymond Lesniak attempted to organize a vote to overturn Governor Christie's conditional veto of S.3041. Lacking the votes necessary to override, no vote was taken on this issue.
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/nj-update-yesterdays-attempted-override-of-conditional-veto-of-s-3041-failed/ | May 26, 2017

Showing 1,631-1,640 of 2,573 results