MA Alert: Bill Expanding Dog Breeder Regulations Passed Senate—Calls to House Members Needed!
Yesterday, Massachusetts Senate Bill 2370, the “Act Relative to Protecting Puppies and Kittens” (previously Senate Bill 1103), was passed by the Massachusetts Senate.  The bill will now be sent to the Massachusetts House for its consideration.  AKC has several concerns with the bill including: New amendments– including expanded restrictions on dog breeders—to a measure that […] | June 29, 2016
New Jersey Senate Bill 63 has been placed on the agenda for a vote tomorrow, Thursday, June 30, in the New Jersey State Senate. It is imperative that all New Jersey fanciers, enthusiasts, breeders, and owners contact their state senator and Senate President Steve Sweeney and request SB 63 not be voted on Thursday; and […] | June 29, 2016
A significantly amended New Jersey Senate Bill 63 was approved late last week by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.  The bill could now be considered for a vote by the full Senate this Thursday, June 30.  Although some important and necessary changes have been made, the AKC remains deeply concerned with SB 63.  It […] | June 28, 2016
Massachusetts: Committee OKs Bill for State to Regulate Owner-Breeders with 8 Female Dogs
Yesterday, the Massachusetts Senate’s Ways and Means Committee passed an amended version of Senate Bill 2370, the “Act Relative to Protecting Puppies and Kittens” (previously Senate Bill 1103).  The bill could be voted on by the full Senate as soon as Tuesday, June 28.  The new version of this bill makes several changes – including […] | June 24, 2016
Support Delaware Bill to Prohibit Breed-Specific Laws
A bill has been approved by the Delaware House Health and Human Development Committee that would ensure the state and local Delaware municipalities cannot declare a dog as dangerous based solely on “a dog’s breed or perceived breed.”  The bill also makes several amendments to streamline current state laws, including removing all references to the […] | June 24, 2016
North Carolina: Ask House to Support Bill Streamlining Adoption of Retired Working Dogs
A number of bills have been introduced in North Carolina over the past year to allow certain municipalities to donate a working dog to its handler when the animal is retired from service.  Yesterday, a bill was amended in the Senate that would clarify that these procedures for the donation of retired service dogs apply […] | June 22, 2016
California: Committee to Consider Bill Allowing Strangers to Remove Dogs from Vehicles
The California Senate Public Safety Committee will hear Assembly Bill 797 which will allow private citizens to remove a companion animal from a vehicle if they believe that the animal is in imminent danger of suffering harm. Dog owners who reside or participate in events in California are encouraged to contact the Public Safety Committee or […] | June 22, 2016
Sarasota County, FL to Consider Changes to Ordinance Restricting Pet Sales
The Sarasota County Commission will discuss a proposed amendment to an ordinance adopted in April of 2016. The staff is recommending that the hobby breeder definition be eliminated and that the definition of “Commercial Establishment” be modified to more clearly exclude those who engage in occasional sales and responsible hobby breeding. This action is in […] | June 20, 2016
NJ UPDATE: SB 63 to be heard on Thursday, June 23 – Take Action Now
AKC Government Relations has confirmed that New Jersey Senate Bill 63 will be heard by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on Thursday, June 23, at 10AM in Committee Room 4, 1st Floor of the State House Annex, Trenton (125 W State St #2, Trenton, NJ 08608).  As currently written, the bill seeks to repeal […] | June 20, 2016
NJ ALERT: Bill to Repeal Consumer Protection Laws, Restrict Sales to be Heard Monday, June 20
AKC Government Relations has learned that New Jersey Senate Bill 63, which seeks to repeal consumer protection laws for New Jersey pet purchasers and restrict individuals’ choice of a purpose-bred dog, will likely be considered by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on Monday, June 20.  While a committee substitute may be introduced at Monday’s […] | June 17, 2016

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