MA Action Needed: Ask House to Pass Bill Protecting Police K-9s, aka Nero’s Law NOW
The Massachusetts House of Representatives convenes a virtual formal session today at 2:30pm that will continue into tomorrow.  “Nero’s Law” would allow emergency care and transportation for a police dog injured in the line of duty.  On November 10, 2021, the Senate unanimously passed the bill as SB 2573. WHAT YOU CAN DO:  Although the […] | November 16, 2021
MA: Virtual Public Hearing on Multiple Bills Impacting Dogs Wednesday 11/17 – Take Action Now!
On Wednesday, November 17, more than one dozen animal bills impacting dogs and breeders are on the agenda for review by the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture (JENRA). The virtual public hearing is scheduled to start at 2pm.  The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department (AKC GR) has tracked most of […] | November 12, 2021
MA Success: Bill Protecting Police K-9s, aka Nero’s Law, Continues Moving
Last month, the American Kennel Club’s Government Relations Department (AKC GR) issued an alert requesting emails be sent in support of advancing HB 2547 and SB 1606, “Nero’s Law”.  The bill allows emergency care and transportation for a police dog injured in the line of duty while ensuring ambulance use remains a priority for human […] | November 10, 2021
US Congress: Harmful, Arbitrary Breeder Mandates Bill Advancing – Contact Your Representatives
A set of arbitrary and harmful federal breeder bills (H.R. 2840 /S. 1385) that would mandate new requirements for certain hobby and professional dog breeders are gaining support in Congress.  We urge all responsible dog owners, breeders and enthusiasts to contact their lawmakers about the harmful consequences of the bills. While certain aspects of this […] | November 8, 2021
New York Update: Governor Signs Law Banning Homeowners Insurance Breed Discrimination
In January 2022, New York dog owners will no longer face homeowner’s insurance discrimination based on the breed of dog they own. On Saturday, October 30, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed Senate Bill 4254 (now Chapter 545), which states, “With respect to homeowners’ insurance policies…no insurer shall refuse to issue or renew, cancel, or […] | November 1, 2021
Texas Tethering Bill Signed by Governor Abbott
This week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 5, which will regulate tethering in the state by providing guidelines for how a dog may be tethered. The bill goes into effect on January 18, 2022. Senate Bill 5 is similar to Senate Bill 474 which was passed and sent to the governor […] | October 27, 2021
Texas Tethering Bill Signed by Governor Abbott
This week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 5, which will regulate tethering in the state by providing guidelines for how a dog may be tethered. The bill goes into effect on January 18, 2022. Senate Bill 5 is similar to Senate Bill 474 which was passed and sent to the governor […] | October 27, 2021
Maine Update: Yarmouth Adopts Most AKC Recommendations for Dog Ordinance
On October 21, the Town of Yarmouth (Maine) approved several changes to its dog ordinance, incorporating many recommendations provided by AKC Government Relations. Earlier this month, AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) published notice regarding proposed changes to the town of Yarmouth’s Chapter 309 “Dog Control Ordinance”, and highlighted many of AKC GR’s recommended amendments to […] | October 26, 2021
New York: Bill Preventing Breed Insurance Discrimination on Governor’s Desk – Call Today!
On Friday, October 22, the New York State Legislature sent a bill to the governor that would prohibit homeowner’s insurance providers from refusing or cancelling coverage or increasing premiums based solely on the breed of dog owned by the policyholder. For the past 10 years, AKC has advocated for legislation in New York on this […] | October 25, 2021
Berlin, CT: Input Needed on Proposed Dogs At Large Ordinance Changes
On Tuesday, November 30, the Berlin Town Council will receive public input at a 7pm hearing regarding changes being proposed for its animal ordinance.  The town’s ordinance committee presented a draft to the Town Council on October 19, that would amend the rules on leash and restraint requirements for dogs, by amending the definitions for […] | October 22, 2021

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