TN Info: Johnson City “Animal Rights” Seminar Scheduled Nov. 1
Please share this information with responsible animal owners in Washington County and Johnson City, Tennessee. The “Johnson City Press” reports that an animal rights lobbying seminar is scheduled for November 1, 2022, 6:30-8:00pm, at the Memorial Park Community Center, 510 Bert Street, Johnson City, Tennessee. Per the article, this event is hosted by the Washington County/Johnson […]
| October 31, 2022
Delaware Update: Governor Signs Bill Allowing for Compensatory Damages
On Friday, October 14, 2022, Governor John Carney signed Senate Substitute 1 to Senate Bill 258 (known as Izzy the Cat’s Act). It provides for the awarding of compensatory damages for injury or death of a companion animal as a result of a tortious act. As signed by the Governor, when these acts are committed, […]
| October 17, 2022
Texas: Contact New Braunfels City Council to Oppose Pet Store Ordinance
The New Braunfels City Council voted this week 4-3 in favor of an ordinance that will prohibit pet stores from selling dogs sourced from dog breeders at a city council meeting on Monday, October 10. The ordinance is likely to receive final consideration at an October 24, 2022, meeting. This ordinance will limit pet choice […]
| October 14, 2022
Rockingham County, VA Update: Board of Supervisors to Discuss New Kennel Regulations
The Rockingham County Board of Supervisors has added a discussion regarding the proposed breeding kennel ordinance to the October 12, 2022, meeting agenda. Please note this is not a public hearing, rather a discussion among Board members with no action anticipated. This discussion follows recent action by the Board of Supervisors to table the proposal […]
| October 10, 2022
Maryland Informational Update: New Laws Impacting Dog Owners Now in Effect
Two new Maryland laws that could impact dog owners are now in effect. The first requires that dogs left unattended in extreme weather have suitable shelter. The other addresses “Cost of Animal Care” and requires individuals whose animals have been seized due to charges of cruelty or severe neglect to pay the cost of caring […]
| October 6, 2022
MA Info: Fisheries and Wildlife Proposes Updated Field Trial Rules
The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) is proposing regulatory amendments to the rules for Retriever or Bird Dog Trials. Interested purebred dog enthusiasts who participate in field events in Massachusetts are encouraged to review the proposed changes and share comments or concerns with DFW. The proposal would: Allow field trials to occur on […]
| October 6, 2022