Bill Seeks To Improve Maine’s Kennel Licensing Law
Maine LD 1239, sponsored by Representative Paul Davis, seeks to clarify, streamline, and promote fair animal welfare laws in Maine. The American Kennel Club (AKC) believes LD 1239 represents an improvement over current Maine law, and joins the Federation of Maine Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (Maine Federation) in support of LD 1239.  Maine […] | April 15, 2013
West Virginia Breeder Bill Passes Legislature, Heads to Governor
The West Virginia Legislature has passed Senate Bill 437, which will regulate those who own 11 or more intact dogs over one year of age "for the exclusive purpose of actively breeding." The bill now goes to the governor for his signature. Those who keep or breed dogs "for the purpose of herding or guarding […] | April 15, 2013
Louisiana Alert: Westwego Expected To Consider Breed-Specific Ordinance
Various news reports have indicated that, in response to a well-publicized dog attack last month, Westwego City Councilmember Glenn Green intends to introduce an ordinance that would extend the city's current breed-specific ordinance to additional breeds and make keeping certain targeted breeds much more difficult. On principle, the American Kennel Club (AKC) opposes breed-specific legislation. […] | April 12, 2013
NY Update: Bill Banning Insurance Breed Discrimination Advancing
The New York Assembly Codes Committee will consider a bill on April 16 that would prohibit insurance companies from denying, cancelling or raising premium rates for homeowners' insurance based on the breed of dog owned by the policyholder. All responsible dog owners and breeders in New York are encouraged to contact the Assembly Codes Committee, […] | April 12, 2013
Maryland Legislative Recap
The Maryland General Assembly adjourned late yesterday without passing Senate Bill 160, which would have overturned the Tracey v. Solesky court of appeals ruling. The original ruling, issued in April 2012, declared all "pit bulls" as inherently dangerous and held landlords liable for any actions caused by these dogs on their properties. On reconsideration in […] | April 9, 2013
Texas Supreme Court Reverses Lower Court, Reaffirms Legal Status of Animals
On Friday, April 5, the Supreme Court of Texas issued its opinion in the case of Strickland v. Medlen. In a majority opinion authored by Justice Don R. Willet, the court noted that pets hold a special place in the hearts of their owners, but ultimately held that non-economic damages are not available in cases […] | April 8, 2013
Maine Alert: Pending Legislation Could Impact Dog Breeders/Owners
A number of legislative bills have been filed in Maine that could ultimately impact the state's dog breeders and owners.  While some may prove beneficial to responsible dog breeders and owners, other may prove troublesome.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) urges all concerned residents of Maine to learn about the bills detailed below and to […] | April 5, 2013
WV Update: Amended Breeder Bill Passes Senate – Contact the House
Yesterday, the West Virginia Senate passed an amended version of Senate Bill 437. This newly amended version of the bill addressed many of the issues with the bill; however, the AKC remains concerned about the definition of commercial breeder. This is now defined vaguely as one who owns 11 or more intact dogs (male or […] | April 4, 2013
Maryland to Consider Prohibiting Dog Discrimination in Insurance Policies on 2/5
The Maryland Senate Finance Committee will consider legislation on Tuesday, February 5, that would prohibit insurance companies from refusing to issue or renew homeowner's or renter's insurance policies solely because someone owns a dog, regardless of breed. Maryland residents are encouraged to contact the committee and express support for Senate Bill 296, which would protect […] | February 1, 2013
NM Bill to Prohibit BSL Passes First Committee
House Bill 63, which would prohibit counties and municipalities from enacting breed-specific regulations, was passed unanimously by the House Health, Government and Indian Affairs Committee yesterday. The bill now advances to the House Judiciary Committee. The AKC strongly encourages New Mexico residents to contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and ask them to […] | February 1, 2013

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