Kansas Legislature Approves Unannounced Inspections – Call the Governor
A bill has passed the Kansas Legislature that would mandate unannounced inspections of all state licensees- including hobbyists. In Kansas, a hobby breeder must be licensed if 3-5 litters are produced and under 30 animals sold in a year.  Unannounced inspections could prove challenging, as it is a hobby and the owner cannot be expected […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/kansas-legislature-approves-unannounced-inspections-call-governor/ | April 11, 2018
Maryland Legislature Approves Restrictions on Pet Choice – Call the Governor Today!
The Maryland Legislature has approved a bill which will prohibit retail pet stores (defined as any “for profit establishment open to the public that sells or offers for sale domestic animals to be kept as pets”) from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, they would only be allowed to “showcase” animals available for adoption from […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/maryland-legislature-approves-restrictions-pet-choice-call-governor-today/ | April 9, 2018
Ask Ohio Committee to Support Making Labrador Retriever the State Dog on Tuesday (4/10)
On Tuesday, April 10, the Ohio House State and Local Government Committee will be taking testimony on a bill that will declare the Labrador Retriever the State Dog of Ohio. State Representative Jeffrey Rezabek, himself a Lab owner, said that he chose the Labrador Retriever because he felt that the breed “reflects the state’s passion […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ask-ohio-committee-support-making-labrador-retriever-state-dog-tuesday-4-10/ | April 6, 2018
NH Alert: Commercial Kennel Bill Hearing to Continue on Wednesday, April 11
Due to the length of its previous hearing, during which deep concerns were expressed by many dog owners, the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Dog Owners of the Granite State (DOGS), the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, the New Hampshire Farm Bureau and the New Hampshire Veterinary Medical Association, the New Hampshire House Environment and […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/nh-alert-commercial-kennel-bill-hearing-continue-wednesday-april-11/ | April 6, 2018
Baltimore County, MD Hearing on Keeping Dogs Outdoors Scheduled for April 10
The Baltimore County Council is taking public testimony on Tuesday, April 10, on a proposal that would not allow any dog to be outside for more than 30 minutes if the temperature is below 32 or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. AKC believes that specific temperature requirements are arbitrary and do not consider the needs of […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/baltimore-county-md-hearing-keeping-dogs-outdoors-scheduled-april-10/ | April 6, 2018
Illinois Committees to Consider Allowing Private Citizens to Remove Animals from Vehicles
Two bills will be considered in Illinois on Tuesday, April 10, that would allow private citizens to remove animals from locked vehicles if they have a good faith belief the animal is in imminent danger. The AKC agrees that no person or animal should ever be left in a situation where their health or safety […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/illinois-committees-consider-allowing-private-citizens-remove-animals-vehicles/ | April 6, 2018
Ask Illinois Committee to Support Shelter Reporting Bill on Monday, April 9
On Monday, April 9, the Illinois House Agriculture and Conservation Committee will hear testimony on a bill to require state animal shelters and animal control facilities to report certain information regarding the animals entering and leaving the facilities. House Bill 5477, initiated by the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners (IFDCO), is an important […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ask-illinois-committee-support-shelter-reporting-bill-monday-april-9/ | April 5, 2018
Victory on Tethering Proposals in Onondaga County, NY
The Onondaga County Legislature had been considering two proposals that would impact a dog owner’s ability to keep their dog outside. The AKC Government Relations department urged residents and those who participate in events in Onondaga County to share concerns with Legislator Ryan’s proposal, which would prohibit anyone from tethering a dog outdoors for more […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/victory-tethering-proposals-onondaga-county-ny/ | April 5, 2018
Kansas Set to Approve Unannounced Hobbyist Inspections CALL TODAY!
A bill is pending final approval in the Kansas House of Representatives that would mandate unannounced inspections of all state licensees- including hobbyists. In Kansas, a hobby breeder must be licensed if 3-5 litters are produced and under 30 animals sold in a year.  Unannounced inspections could prove challenging, as it is a hobby and […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/kansas-set-approve-unannounced-hobbyist-inspections-call-today/ | April 4, 2018
NH REMINDER: Commercial Kennel Bill to be Heard Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 4
New Hampshire Senate Bill 569, which seeks to expand those considered “commercial kennels” by the state and create bond for care requirements, is scheduled for consideration by the House Environment and Agriculture Committee on Wednesday, April 4, 2018.  This may be residents’ last chance to personally express concerns with SB 569.  All concerned dog owners […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/nh-reminder-commercial-kennel-bill-heard-tomorrow-wednesday-april-4/ | April 3, 2018

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