California Update: Senate Approves Trainer Disclosure Bill
Yesterday, the California State Senate passed Assembly Bill 1901, the dog trainer disclosure bill. As reported on August 17, previous amendments require trainers to provide a written disclosure with the following information: The trainer’s name and address (this is from the original bill and could include the address where the training is held) Any civil […]
| August 25, 2022
Virginia Information: Nelson Co. Board of Supervisors Approves New Kennel Definition
Following a Public Hearing at a recent County Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board of Supervisors voted to approve Zoning Ordinance Amendments that changes the definition of “Kennel” and its use in certain zoning districts. It should be noted that existing kennels, and kennels as a secondary use in conjunction with a dwelling (home occupation) […]
| August 18, 2022
California Update: Senate Further Amends Training Disclosure Bill
Yesterday, the California Senate approved further amendments to the dog trainer disclosure bill (Assembly Bill 1901). The amendments now require trainers to provide a written disclosure with the following information: The trainer’s name and address (this is from the original bill and could include the address where the training is held) Any civil judgements relating […]
| August 17, 2022
California Info: Senate Considering Bill Requiring Emergency Preparedness Plans for Kennels
The California Senate will likely soon consider a bill that will require those registered as a “kennel” in their local community to also include an emergency preparedness plan. The bill has already passed the Assembly and recently passed Senate committees. It is now pending third reading in the Senate, along with the Assembly bills mentioned […]
| August 16, 2022
California Update: Latest Status on Dog-Related Bills
The California Legislature returned this week from their summer break, and immediately went back to work in anticipation of ending their session at the end of August. The following is the latest information on highlights of bills AKC is monitoring, along with information on how to contact the appropriate lawmakers. AKC GR will continue to […]
| August 5, 2022
Nelson County, VA: Board of Supervisors to Hold Public Hearing on Kennel Definition
The Nelson County Board of Supervisors will be holding a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 9, 2022, on proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments to amend the current definition of “Kennel” and its use in certain zoning districts. Those who wish to comment are encouraged to attend the Public Hearing or reach out to the Board […]
| August 4, 2022
MA UPDATE: Anti-Hobby Breeder Bill Fails – Congrats Advocates, You Did It!
The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report that the Massachusetts Legislature formally adjourned today, and that the House of Representatives did not take up Senate Bill 2994 (formerly Senate Bill 1322) that would have done away with “personal kennel” protections that many purebred dog fanciers in Massachusetts enjoy. The bill is now dead. […]
| August 1, 2022