Ask Texas House Committee to Support Allowing Dogs in Outdoor Dining Areas on 4/3
March 29, 2019 The Texas House Public Health Committee is scheduled to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 3, on a bill that would allow dogs in outdoor eating establishments, with permission from the business owner. The AKC supports HB 1801, as it allows responsible dog owners more opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities and […] | March 29, 2019
Discriminatory Maine Proposal Restricts Breeder Sales, Rescue Activities – TAKE ACTION NOW!
Thursday, March 28, 2019 On Thursday, April 4, the Maine Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry will hear LD 1311. The bill would strike “pet shop” from the definition of “seller” and prohibit any seller (i.e., owner or operator of a breeding kennel or animal dealer licensed by United States Department of Agriculture) from selling […] | March 28, 2019
CT UPDATE: Committee Decides Against Retail Sourcing Restrictions, Seeks to Study Impact Instead
Tuesday, March 26, 2019 The Connecticut Joint Committee on Environment held a hearing on March 1 on HB 5386, which sought to implement a law prohibiting pet stores from sourcing dogs or cats from anywhere but animal shelters and rescues, similar to legislation passed in California in 2018.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) submitted testimony […] | March 26, 2019
Arkansas: Urge Support of Bill to Protect Right to Hunt with Dogs
March 25, 2019 Arkansas Senate Bill 11 seeks to protect traditional hunting methods in the state, including the right to hunt with the assistance of a dog. Arkansas dog owners, trainers, breeders, and sportsmen are urged to immediately contact members of the Senate Agriculture, Forestry and Economic Development Committee and respectfully ask them to support […] | March 25, 2019
MAINE UPDATE: Committee Decision Scheduled March 28 for Onerous Consumer Protection Change
Monday, March 25, 2019 The Maine Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry held a hearing March 19th on LD 1049, which seeks to provide alternative consumer protection remedies for a buyer of a dog with a life expectancy of less than one year, along with other remedies for a dog with a life expectancy of […] | March 25, 2019
Illinois Committee Considering Bill Deleting State’s Consumer Protection Laws Tomorrow (3/26)
March 25, 2019 After postponing a hearing last week, the Illinois House Agriculture & Conservation Committee is considering a bill tomorrow (Tuesday, March 26) that would delete consumer protection language passed in 2017 and replace it with language that would only allow pet stores to sell dogs from shelters, rescues, or breeders who have fewer […] | March 25, 2019
USDA Seeking Public Comments on Updated Animal Welfare Act Licensing Requirements
March 21, 2019 Today, the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service published a request for public comments on proposed updates to the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) licensing requirements. After receiving more than 47,000 comments in response to a 2017 request for comments on an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, USDA APHIS is proposing: […] | March 21, 2019
Illinois Committee Considering Increasing License Fees, and Regulating Fosters & Transports on Thursday (3/21)
March 20, 2019 The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee is considering bills tomorrow (Thursday, March 21) that would significantly increase kennel and other license fees in the state, and also regulate foster homes and transport groups. This bill was originally scheduled to be considered last week but was deferred.  Now, there are three versions of Senate […] | March 20, 2019
Alabama: Request amendments to Bill Allowing Private Citizens to Remove Animals from Vehicles- Hearing Tomorrow (3/20)
March 19, 2019 Alabama Senate Bill 61 seeks to provide immunity from liability to a person who forcibly enters a vehicle to release an animal that the person believes is in danger. No caring person wants a dog to remain locked in a vehicle under conditions that are a risk to the dog’s health. However, […] | March 19, 2019
Indiana: AKC Supports Bill Requiring Health Certificates for Importation of Foreign Dogs
March 19, 2019 The Indiana House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee is considering a bill on Thursday, March 21, that would require any dog or cat being imported from a foreign country into Indiana be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection or health certificate. Senate Bill 533 would require that any person who transfers […] | March 19, 2019

Showing 1-10 of 26 results