Support Connecticut Bill to Penalize Misrepresentation of a Pet as a Service Dog
Connecticut House Bill 5566, which is scheduled to be considered by the Joint Judiciary Committee on Monday, March 26, seeks to make it an infraction for an individual to knowingly misrepresent a pet as a service animal or being trained to be a service animal. The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports House Bill 5566 and […] | March 23, 2018
New York Assembly to Consider Bill Regulating Hobby Breeders- Call Today!
The New York State Assembly could soon vote on a bill that would impact hobby breeders who breed and sell animals in the state. New York residents are strongly encouraged to contact their State Assemblyperson to express concerns with Assembly Bill 465. Summary: Currently, the State of New York has numerous regulations for “pet dealers”, […] | March 22, 2018
Onondaga County, NY; Tethering: Ask Legislators to Support Proposal B on April 3
The Onondaga County Legislature has been considering two proposals that would impact dogs being kept outside, and a vote is expected on April 3. “Proposal A” would prohibit anyone from tethering a dog outdoors for more than 2 hours when the temperature is lower than 32 degrees or higher than 90 degrees Fahrenheit.  Although it […] | March 21, 2018
Maryland: Bill Limiting Consumer Choice Advances, Contact the Senate Finance Committee
The Maryland House of Representatives has approved a measure which will prohibit retail pet stores (defined as any “for profit establishment open to the public that sells or offers for sale domestic animals to be kept as pets”) from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, they would only be allowed to “showcase” animals available for […] | March 21, 2018
Ohio Advancing Bill to Update Breeder Laws
On Wednesday, the Ohio House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee advanced a bill that makes numerous changes to the state’s laws regulating high volume dog breeders. As passed by the committee, House Bill 506, sponsored by Representative Brian Hill, is an effort to update the laws in a reasonable manner.  We thank Representative Hill for […] | March 16, 2018
Tennessee: URGENT! Bill Would Criminalize Using Cords/Tethers to Safely Secure Dogs in an Emergency
House Bill 1909  is a problematic bill that could criminalize the actions of dog owners who use a cord, tether, or “similar device” to keep their dogs safe during emergency situations.  This bill has been placed on the consent calendar in the Tennessee House of Representatives for Monday, March 19. If dog owners do not […] | March 15, 2018
Massachusetts Alert: New Restrictions on Hobby Breeders Set for Amendment and Vote in Senate on 3/15
Massachusetts Senate Bill 1155, which seeks to impose regulatory oversight over personal and commercial kennels, mandate annual inspections of all kennels, and create consumer protections laws, is expected to be formally adopted into a new amended bill, Senate Bill 2331, and possibly voted on by the full Senate on Thursday, March 15.  If enacted as currently written, […] | March 12, 2018
Another Minnesota Bill Seeks to Penalize Fraudulent Misrepresentation of Animals as Service Animals
Minnesota House File 2815, which is scheduled to be considered by the House Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee on Thursday, March 8, seeks to make misrepresenting an animal as a service animal a misdemeanor.  All Minnesota residents are encouraged to contact the members of the committee and express support of HF 2815. The AKC […] | March 7, 2018
Maryland: Committee to Consider Limits on Consumer Choice on Monday (3/12)
The Maryland House Economic Matters Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Monday, March 12, which will prohibit retail pet stores (defined as any “for profit establishment open to the public that sells or offers for sale domestic animals to be kept as pets”) from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, they would only […] | March 7, 2018
Connecticut Info: Public Hearing on Dog-Related Bills Scheduled for Friday, March 9
On Friday, March 9, 2018, the Connecticut General Assembly’s Environment Committee is scheduled to consider several dog-related bills.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) encourages all concerned Connecticut residents to contact the committee members and respectfully share their views. House Bill 5355 – This bill seeks to amend several statutes regarding how a dog may be kept […] | March 6, 2018

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