Louisville, KY: Animal Ordinance Containing Problematic Sections on Agenda Tomorrow, June 2 ─ Contact Committee Members with Concerns
The Louisville Metro Public Health Committee is scheduled to consider changes to the city/county animal control ordinance during a special meeting tomorrow, June 2, 2021. While it features some reasonable and appropriate provisions, the proposed ordinance also includes certain vague and problematic dog care requirements. The American Kennel Club (AKC) encourages Louisville/Jefferson County residents to […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/louisville-ky-animal-ordinance-containing-problematic-sections-agenda-tomorrow-june-2-%e2%94%80-contact-committee-members-concerns/ | June 1, 2021
TEXAS URGENT ALERT: Conference Committee Appointed on HB 1818, Last Day to Urge Support of Senate Amended Version
Late yesterday, the Texas House failed to concur in the Senate’s amended version of HB 1818, which AKC supports, and appointed a conference committee to negotiate bill language.  Then, in an unexpected move late last night, the Senate also appointed conferees.  Due to tonight’s legislative deadline for conference committee action, the committee is expected to […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/texas-urgent-alert-conference-committee-appointed-hb-1818-last-day-urge-support-senate-amended-version/ | May 29, 2021
Illinois: Pet Choice, Breed Rescue Restrictions Pass Committee – Call Your Senator TODAY
This morning, the Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee passed a bill that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. HB 1711 would restrict pet choice and consumer protection. It also implies that breeders should not be involved in rescue efforts. There are only […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/illinois-pet-choice-breed-rescue-restrictions-pass-committee-call-senator-today/ | May 27, 2021
Update: Massachusetts Senate Rejects “Nero’s Law”, Budget Amendment Allowing Emergency Care to Police K-9s
During its debate of SB 3, the Commonwealth’s proposed budget, the Massachusetts Senate rejected Amendment #580, the text from “Nero’s Law”.    The proposal, which sought to allow emergency care and transportation for a police dog injured in the line of duty, is named for “Nero”, the K9 partner of fallen Yarmouth Police Sergeant Sean Gannon […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/update-massachusetts-senate-rejects-neros-law-budget-amendment-allowing-emergency-care-police-k-9s/ | May 26, 2021
TX Update: AKC-Supported Amended HB 1818 Passes Senate
The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report that an amended version of House Bill 1818 was passed by the Texas Senate yesterday, May 25, 2021. AKC and other allied animal interest groups support HB 1818 as amended by the Senate.  As previously reported, Committee Substitute HB 1818 permits pet stores to source dogs […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/tx-update-akc-supported-amended-hb-1818-passes-senate/ | May 26, 2021
Illinois: Register Your Opposition to Restrictions on Pet Choice, Breed Rescue TODAY
The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee is considering a bill on Thursday, May 27, that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. We are asking local clubs, club rescues, and dog owners to take a minute TODAY and submit an online witness slip […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/illinois-register-opposition-restrictions-pet-choice-breed-rescue-today/ | May 25, 2021
Update: Vermont Governor Signs Animal Control Officer Training and Authorization Bill
Supported by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Vermont Federation of Dog Clubs (VT Federation), House Bill 421 was signed into law by Governor Scott on May 20, 2021.  The new law becomes effective on July 1, 2021. In summary, HB 421 (1) narrows the list of individuals authorized as “humane officers” who investigate […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/update-vermont-governor-signs-animal-control-officer-training-authorization-bill/ | May 25, 2021
Hawaii: Petition Seeks Reopening of Oahu’s Parks for Dog Training
An online petition launched by the Hawaiian Agility Association, an AKC-licensed club, seeks to urge Mayor Rick Blangiardi to restart issuing permits for dog training activities in Oahu’s public parks. As we are all aware, COVID-19 shut down most public accommodations, including public parks.  However, as vaccination rates have increased and infection rates have decreased, […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/hawaii-petition-seeks-reopening-oahus-parks-dog-training/ | May 25, 2021
Reopening Information by State 
The following list provides information on COVID-19 shelter in place/closure orders with respect to rules impacting access to pet care, supplies, and services. Please visit AKC legislative alerts  (www.akcgr.org) to view some of the actions we’ve taken and to learn what you can do to help. COVID-19 Directives by State Alabama - https://governor.alabama.gov/assets/2020/09/Safer-at-Home-Order-Final-9.29.2020.pdf Alaska - https://covid19.alaska.gov/reopen/ […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/status-animal-services-state-closures/ | May 24, 2021
Alabama Success: Bill Allowing Dogs in Outdoor Seating Areas of Restaurants Enacted
Good news!  The voices of responsible dog owners were heard in Montgomery. Yesterday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed House Bill 235, which authorizes food service establishments to allow pet dogs in outdoor restaurant seating areas if the company wishes to do so. The new law takes effect on August 1, 2021. Read AKC Government Relations’ […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/alabama-success-bill-allowing-dogs-outdoor-seating-areas-restaurants-enacted/ | May 21, 2021

Showing 831-840 of 2,523 results