OK Update: House Could Consider Breeder Law Changes Today (4/26)
Senate Bill 637, which seeks to amend the Oklahoma Commercial Pet Breeders Act, is expected to be considered by the House of Representatives as early as today.    If you would like to contact your State Representative regarding this measure, click here and insert your address to view their name and contact information. Scroll down […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ok-update-house-could-consider-breeder-law-changes-today-4-26/ | April 26, 2011
TX Update: HB 1451 Scheduled for Major State Calendar on 4/26
The American Kennel Club wishes to extend profound thanks to Representative David Simpson for his help in removing House Bill 1451 from the Local, Consent and Resolutions Calendar. House Bill 1451 is now on the Major State Calendar for Tuesday, April 26th. This means that legislators will cast individual votes on the bill.  It is VITAL […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/tx-update-hb-1451-scheduled-for-major-state-calendar-on-4-26/ | April 21, 2011
Urgent Texas Alert: Breeder Bill Advances
- Contact Your Representative TODAY! [April 8, 2011] The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department has just learned that House Bill 1451, which seeks to establish extensive regulations for dog breeders, has been rushed through committee and will likely be considered by the House of Representatives any day.  It is imperative that all responsible dog […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/urgent-texas-alert-breeder-bill-advances/ | April 8, 2011
CO Victory: Harsh Seizure/Impoundment Bill Defeated
Colorado Senate Bill 11-009, which made significant changes to the impoundment laws and the ability of owners to get their animals back if they are seized during a cruelty investigation, was postponed indefinitely in the House Agriculture, Livestock & Natural Resources Committee and will not advance this year. The AKC strongly supports the humane treatment […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/co-victory-harsh-seizure-impoundment-bill-defeated/ | March 22, 2011
UPDATE: St. Joseph, MO to Consider New Exhibitor Regs on Tuesday (2/22)
The St. Joseph (MO) City Council will be voting on new regulations on Tuesday, February 22, that would require licensing, inspection, and strict care and conditions requirements for anyone who owns three intact dogs of any age for breeding or exhibition.  The guidelines would also affect anyone who is involved with boarding or rescue.  The […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/update-st-joseph-mo-to-consider-new-exhibitor-regs-on-tuesday-2-22/ | February 18, 2011
Illinois Committee to Consider Removal of BSL Ban on Tuesday (2/22)
The Illinois House Agriculture & Conservation Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Tuesday, February 22, that would remove the state ban on breed-specific legislation.  All responsible dog owners are strongly encouraged to contact the committee and ask them to oppose House Bill 1080. Summary: Illinois is currently one of 11 states that specifically […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/illinois-committee-to-consider-removal-of-bsl-ban-on-tuesday-2-22/ | February 17, 2011
Missouri Committee to Consider Constitutional Rights for Animal Owners on 2/15
The Missouri House Rural Development Committee is expected to consider a resolution on Tuesday, February 15, that would protect animal owners from undue economic burdens and regulations.   If passed by the General Assembly, it would appear on the November 2012 ballot. All Missouri dog owners and breeders are encouraged to contact the committee and ask […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/missouri-committee-to-consider-constitutional-rights-for-animal-owners/ | February 14, 2011
Hawaii Committee to Hear Restrictive Breeder Licensing Bill on 2/8/11
The Hawaii House Committee on Economic Revitalization & Business is scheduled to consider House Bill 1621 on Tuesday, February 8 at 8:00 a.m.  This problematic bill places restrictions on dog breeding and limits dog ownership. House Bill 1621 defines as a "large scale dog breeder" and requires licensing for any person engaged in the business […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/hawaii-committee-to-hear-restrictive-breeder-licensing-bill-on-2-8-11/ | February 4, 2011
NEW YORK CITY UPDATE: AKC Working To Clarify Language in New Tethering Law
On January 18, the New York City Council approved a new section of city ordinances that would prohibiting the restraining (tethering) of animals outdoors for longer than three continuous hours within a 12-hour period. As amended, the measure was also amended to prohibit "for any amount of time" (e.g. temporarily) the tethering of an animal […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/new-york-city-update-akc-working-to-clarify-language-in-new-tethering/ | February 4, 2011
Two Overly-Broad Animal Cruelty Bills Advance to Mississippi Senate
Two overly-broad animal cruelty bills, SB 2127 and SB 2821, have advanced to the Mississippi State Senate calendar and could be voted upon at any time. The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports strong penalties for acts of animal cruelty; however, we have concerns with several aspects of these bills as currently written.  SB 2127 prohibits […]
https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/two-overly-broad-animal-cruelty-bills-advance-to-mississippi-senate/ | February 4, 2011

Showing 2,041-2,050 of 2,570 results