Delaware Update: Sponsor Removes Non-Economic Damages Language from Bill
This week, the Delaware Senate Judiciary Committee passed an amended version of Senate Bill 258, which, as introduced, this bill that would have allowed a person to receive damages for both the veterinarian cost and care of a pet as well as damages for mental distress or emotional harm caused by the injury or death […] | May 13, 2022
Bills Limiting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue Continue to Advance – Call the Assembly Today!
This week, both the New York Senate and Assembly advanced bills that would prohibit retail pet stores from selling any dogs or cats.  Instead, these stores would only be allowed to “showcase” animals available for adoption from a shelter, rescue, or adoption agency that has no affiliation with breeders. Senate Bill 1130 passed the Senate […] | May 12, 2022
Connecticut Legislative Session Adjourns: Summary of Bills Impacting Dog Owners
The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report that the Connecticut legislative session adjourned on May 4, 2022. The outcome of bills impacting dog owners is as follows: HB 5295 – Concerning Agriculture Development and Innovation (with a working group on establishing a state-wide online dog licensing portal and updates to kennel/dog licenses.) Status: […] | May 10, 2022
NJ Alert: East Amwell Township to Consider Problematic Animal Control Proposal
On Thursday, May 12, the Township Committee of East Amwell Twp., New Jersey, will consider extensive changes to the Township’s animal ordinances.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) is concerned that several elements of the draft raise issues of vagueness, are overbroad, or violate due process.  All concerned residents are strongly encouraged to contact Township officials […] | May 10, 2022
New York Update: Bills Impacting Dog Owners To Be Considered As Soon As Tomorrow
The New York State Assembly and Senate are expected to adjourn for the year in just four weeks.  As such, dozens of bills are on the move,  including many with the potential to impact dog owners. Please note that some bills are scheduled for hearings tomorrow, or are pending a vote at any time by […] | May 9, 2022
ME Update: CONGRATULATIONS! State Commits to Increasing Veterinary Workforce
The American Kennel Club (AKC) thanks every Maine dog owner and resident who contacted their state lawmaker requesting support for LD 1885, as amended, to expand the state’s loan program to future practitioners of veterinary medicine. AKC and the Maine Federation of Dog Clubs are thrilled to share that Governor Janet Mills signed LD 1885 […] | May 9, 2022
Rhode Island Alert: “Lawyers for Animals” Bill to be Heard on May 12, 2022 – Express Opposition Today!
AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) encourages Rhode Island residents to take action as soon as possible on S. 2227, which seeks to create court-appointed legal advocates for animals. The bill will be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee at a public hearing on Thursday, May 12, 2022, starting after the Senate session ends, at approximately […] | May 9, 2022
California Update on Bills Impacting Dog Owners
AKC continues to monitor several bills impacting dog owners in California.  With bill deadlines looming, many bills have had action over the last week or have hearings or votes pending within the next week. AKC GR will continue to provide individual updates and alerts when necessary.  We thank the many club members who have taken […] | May 6, 2022
Kentucky’s Legislative Session Ends with Wins for Dog Owners
The 2022 Kentucky legislative session ended wins for dogs and dog owners. The American Kennel Club Government Relations team thanks AKC club members, dog owners, sportsmen, and every individual who contacted lawmakers about legislation that affects dogs.  Kentucky bills opposed by AKC:  Senate Bill 125 sought to amend animal cruelty law and require owners of […] | May 6, 2022
Texas: Contact Dallas City Council to Oppose Pet Store Ordinance
The Dallas City Council will consider an ordinance on Wednesday, May 11, to prohibit pet stores from sourcing dogs from licensed breeders. This ordinance will limit pet choice and consumer protections for Dallas area families seeking a dog that fits their needs and lifestyle. Retail pet sales bans/restrictions limit consumer protections and choice, while doing […] | May 6, 2022

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