Montana to Consider Proposal to Ban Dog Field Trials on All State Lands at July 26 Meeting
The State of Montana is contemplating introducing legislation in its next session (2019) that would prohibit the use of state lands for dog field trials. While the Montana State Legislature is not currently in session, the interim Environmental Quality Council (EQC) is meeting to discuss this potential legislation, called LCdog3, at its July 26 meeting […]
| July 23, 2018
Massachusetts Legislation Would Provide Tax Credits for Adoption of Certain Dogs and Cats
Massachusetts House Bill 4647 seeks to provide tax credits for individuals who adopt certain dogs from a shelter. The bill is scheduled to be considered by the General Court’s Joint Revenue Committee on Tuesday, July 17. Massachusetts residents are encouraged to contact the members of the Joint Revenue Committee and express any concerns they may […]
| July 11, 2018
CA Update: Palm Springs Council Removes Breeder Ban From Tonight’s Agenda
The City of Palm Springs has removed an item from tonight’s City Council’s meeting agenda regarding a proposed ordinance that would have banned all dog and cat breeding within the city limits. The City Clerk’s office and the City Manager’s office have both just confirmed to AKC Government Relations that the item has been pulled […]
| July 11, 2018
URGENT CA ALERT: Palm Springs Considering Potential Prohibition of Residential Dog Breeding TOMORROW (7/11)
The City of Palm Springs will formally introduce a proposal tomorrow (July 11) that will ban all “backyard breeding”, defined as any breeding for a business or commercial purpose on residential property. Those who reside or exhibit in Palm Springs are strongly encouraged to contact the city council TODAY and ask them to oppose the […]
| July 10, 2018
Victory for Ohio Dogs and Breeders
On Friday, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed a law that will have a significant positive impact on dogs, dog owners, breeders, and sportsmen throughout Ohio. House Bill 506, which contains numerous amendments requested by the AKC, is a compromise bill developed with a broad range of stakeholders concerned about animal welfare in the state. The […]
| July 2, 2018