Meet AKC Rally Stand-Out: Snoopy
Snoopy, formally known as Legends Tally Ho RAE BN CD OA OAJ CGC, and his owner Lisa Walk of Cato, NY, have achieved the top AKC Rally title of Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) with many top scores. In addition, the team has earned AKC Obedience titles, AKC Agility titles and the AKC Canine Good Citizen […]
| April 9, 2015
Meet AKC Utility Dog – Miss Kate
Katie and her owner Debra White of Palatine, IL, have achieved the advanced level AKC Obedience title of Utility Dog (UD) as well as AKC Rally Excellent and AKC Agility titles! Debra met Katie at an adoption fair and the then 6-month-old puppy moved in with her the next day. The herding dog mix had […]
| April 9, 2015
Four-Pawed Jaws: When your Dog Chomps Treats….And Your Fingers!
Some dogs regularly chomp on fingers while taking their treats. Some only do it when they are excited or all revved up. Either way, taking things gently in the mouth is a learned skill for some dogs, especially when they are excited! If your dog is a regular “Jaws,” he needs to learn that fingers […]
| April 9, 2015
Meet AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished – Beck
Meet Colonel Charles Beckwith RN THDD CGCA owned by Kevin & Kathi Zornes of Lucasville, OH Beck has earned the AKC Therapy Dog – Distinguished title for making more than 400 visits to help others! Beck is a Beagle/English Setter mix whom Kevin and Kathi adopted in February 2010. “With a sweet yet fun personality, […]
| April 8, 2015
AKC Agility Preferred Class – Great Option for Many Dogs
This article originally appeared in the March 2012 issue of the AKC Canine Partners News newsletter Cooper is an agility superstar. It barely took him a month to go from Novice to the most advanced level of AKC agility – Excellent. But then the then-8-year-old mixed-breed dog suffered a back spasm that took him out […]
| April 8, 2015
First All-American Dog Earns AKC Versatility Honor!
The AKC Canine Partners program has its first recipient of the AKC Versatile Companion Dog title – which honors dogs that title in Obedience, Agility and Tracking. Rodger Rowbinawitz VCD2 UD RAE AXP AJP NF NFP CA FDCH, owned by Sue & Jeff Kotlarek of Romulus, MI, achieved both the first two levels of the […]
| April 8, 2015
A Fun Sport for All Dogs: Barn Hunt
If your dog is constantly on the prowl for squirrels, moles and any other critters that appear in your backyard, then they should be a natural for the fun sport of Barn Hunt. As of April 1, 2013, the American Kennel Club recognizes titles earned at events sanctioned by the Barn Hunt Association (BHA). […]
| April 8, 2015
Charlie – A Rescue Success Story
This story is brought to us by Judy Davis. Judy and her husband, Scott, of Deming, WA, are the rescuers – and adopters – of Scott’s Sir Charlie RE. Charlie has a very special story that Judy has graciously shared with us, and we know that you will enjoy this true success tale. My […]
| April 8, 2015
Meet a Champion Trick Dog!
Hailey Has Plenty of Tricks Up Her Paws Baseballs, basketballs, skateboards and Frisbees – most parents invest in plenty of these items for their kids. And in Karen Profenna’s case, that includes her four-legged family member. Hailey – a little black-and-white fireball – can swing a bat, dunk a basketball, ride a skateboard and soar […]
| April 7, 2015
Give Me Some Space! Train Your Dog to Back Off
By Aryn Hervel This training tip is brought to you by Aryn Hervel of Novato, CA. Aryn owns and runs Leaps & Hounds Dog Training, a behavior consulting and pet dog training business. Aryn and her All-American Dog, MACH4 Crush, are one of the top AKC Agility teams in the AKC Canine Partners program, having […]
| April 7, 2015