Let’s Have a Party – Turn on the Sprinkler
An easy way to keep your dogs cool and occupied during the spring and summer heat is to just turn on the sprinkler in the yard. Many dogs love playing in the water, like York and Titan, two members of the AKC Canine Partners program, owned by Tracy Reust of Florissant, MO. Just remember to always […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/lets-have-a-party-turn-on-the-sprinkler/ | June 11, 2015
Meet Elphie – An AKC Master Agility Champion
MACH Shilo’s Wicked Revenge Elphaba MXB MJB owned by Ann Khanna of Hortonville, WI Elphie is a 3-year-old Golden Retriever/Border Collie mix who Ann first encountered as a 5-week-old puppy. Ann said she immediately noticed that Elphie was special and reluctantly decided the puppy had to join her family. “For eight years I had been […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/meet-elphie-an-akc-master-agility-champion/ | June 11, 2015
Formerly Abused Dog Recovers to Help Others
Bruce was in bad shape physically and emotionally when the Keslers adopted him. But with their love and care, Bruce blossomed and today he helps others through a therapy program called Canines for Christ. He recently earned the AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished title for making more than 400 visits! Bruce THDD owned by Steven & […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/formerly-abused-dog-recovers-to-help-others/ | June 10, 2015
Who Says Dogs Can’t Drive? Or at least give directions?
Bonnie Bird shared this photo with the AKC Canine Partners News of her dog, Jigi, commandeering a tractor-trailer while on a hiking trip a few years ago. “Some friends and I were out walking on Chuckanut Mountain near Bellingham, WA, when we came upon a semi-tractor trailer parked beside the road,” Bonnie said. “Jigi jumped up […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/who-says-dogs-cant-drive/ | June 10, 2015
Former Street Dog Now Rally Superstar
Dog trainer Brian Burton rescued Sammy and recognized his extreme intelligence which has been channeled into amazing performances in AKC Rally. Enjoy this video of one of Sammy’s perfect score AKC Rally trials: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjvQn54xZH0 Read more about Sammy's story: It was nearly Christmas 2009 when the New York City Animal Control picked up the terrier […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/former-street-dog-now-rally-superstar/ | June 10, 2015
Meet Canine Partner Sophie
Check out Sophie's story told by her owner, Nicole Woodard. "Sophie is a 5 year old Australian kelpie mix who I rescued from a shelter when she was 3 months old. Her mom and siblings were dropped off in an over night box at the shelter. From the moment I adopted her I knew she […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/meet-canine-partner-sophie/ | June 9, 2015
Delilah – Stature & Age: No Indicator of Talent
MACH Delilah Dog MXB MJB T2B CA owned by Jennifer Rourk of Dallas, OR Ten-year-old Delilah is a Chihuahua mix that Jennifer says embodies the phrase "Size is no indicator of talent. She pours her whole self into everything that she does, and agility is no exception.” At trials in the Pacific Northwest, Delilah and […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/delilah-stature-age-no-indicator-of-talent/ | June 8, 2015
Summer Cool-Down Tip: Easy Snack for Your Dogs
Fleury has decided the best way to keep cool is to lounge in the bird bath, as you can see in this funny shot submitted by her owner Christine Harrison of Ashland, VA. For an easy and fast way to cool down your dogs, try this easy recipe. Take non-fat yogurt and either chicken broth […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/summer-cool-down-tip-easy-snack-for-your-dogs/ | June 8, 2015
Road Tripping with Rover
Kathy Matjeka of Colorado Springs, CO, often hits the road with her pooches, Brewster and Zinger, for weekend getaways. Here she offers some tips for making the most of your canine road trips: Stop often for potty, play and exploration breaks. We like to go into small towns along the route where there is often […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/road-tripping-with-rover/ | June 5, 2015
Playing in the Garden – Learn How Plants Impact Your Dogs
Dogs love being outdoors, rolling in the grass and running through the foliage. Elvis is playing hide-and-go seek in this picture shared by his owner Sandy Misenheimer of Mount Holly, NC. It’s a great time of year to let your dogs enjoy the outdoors, but always be aware of what type of plants grow in […]
https://www.akc.org/canine-partners/playing-in-the-garden-learn-how-plants-impact-your-dogs/ | June 5, 2015

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