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Taking Command Newsletter

What’s New in GR May 2021

May kicked off with the celebration of National Purebred Dog Day (NPDD) on May 1. NPDD honors the pride, predictability and purpose of purebred dogs and the preservation of these breeds. NPDD was the brainchild of Colorado resident and Puli fancier Suzi Szeremy to celebrate the amazing diversity and heritage of the breeds we love. The American Kennel Club Government Relations department (AKC GR) and the AKC Political Action Committee (PAC) sponsored categories in the NPDD photo contest. You can view the winning submissions here.

Over the past month, we have also seen many successes for purebred dogs and dog owners throughout the country.  This includes California AB 702, a bill that would have regulated all dog breeders in the state.  This bill was tabled after the committee and author heard from AKC, numerous AKC clubs, sportsmen, animal shelters, and others who were opposed.  View our legislative successes page to learn more about this bill and the many other successes we have seen throughout the country.

As states have been opening up, AKC has also been extending our in-person outreach efforts, including participation a  Sportsmen’s Caucus luncheon in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The event was hosted by the Louisiana Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus, a bipartisan group of state legislators who work to protect and advance sporting traditions in the state.

This past weekend, the AKC Detection Dog Task Force (DDTF) hosted a first-of-its-kind seminar for Patriotic Puppy Program (PPP) participants to work in-person with PPP Manager, Stacey West. The morning began with discussion topics including the genetics of performance/working dogs, and an emphasis on the importance of the role of the breeder, which impacts the future of a dog’s career. All involved enjoyed the comradery of meeting Patriotic Puppy program participants in person, talking with others interested in breeding and training the future of our country’s purpose-raised detection dogs.

AKC GR is excited to announce the latest issue of the In Session policy newsletter is out! Read a profile on Congressman Angie Craig and about federal legislation/policy, including the “Puppy Protection Act” (S. 1385/H.R. 2840). Dog lovers know that no two breeds have exactly the same ideal standards and care requirements. Similarly, when it comes to canine policy, arbitrary one-size-fits-all requirements such as those in the Puppy Protection Act do not make good federal laws and can cause harm to dogs. This is one of the reasons AKC opposes this bill.

The AKC Government Relations team publishes this newsletter and sends it lawmakers to advise and assist policymakers in understanding animal husbandry best practices, science, and nuance necessary for crafting reasonable and non-discriminatory laws that protect dogs, responsible dog owners, and the public.  We encourage you to also send a copy to your members of Congress and state legislators with a cover note from your or your club.

The 2020-2021 Companion Animal Law Writing Contest has wrapped up, This year’s topics were forfeiture of an animal and the legal treatment of animals as property. These topics offered students the unique opportunity to discuss legal perspectives on issues currently in the news and at the forefront of animal law. Learn about the winners.

Finally, AKC Government Relations was pleased to honor long-time purebred dog advocate Stormy Hope with the first quarter 2021 Bebout Award for Leadership in Canine Legislation.  We thank her for her commitment to dogs and advocacy, particularly in California.  If you have someone you would like to nominate for this award, contact AKC GR.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us at with any additional questions or ways to get involved.