Here are some highlights of state and federal regulatory issues AKC GR recently addressed. Visit AKC’s Regulatory Resource Center for more information on these and other significant regulatory issues addressed by AKC Government Relations.
Federal – CDC Temporary Ban on Dog Imports: In June, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a temporary suspension of the importation of dogs from countries classified as high risk for canine rabies. This suspension will also apply to dogs arriving from countries not considered a high risk if the dogs have been in a high-risk country during the previous six months. The new suspension applies to all dogs, including puppies, emotional support dogs, and dogs that traveled out of the United States and are returning from a high-risk country. The suspension commenced July 14. Read more.
Federal – The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced on June 24 that it is re-issuing a rule that requires breeder/dealers, research facilities, intermediate handlers, carriers, and other animal enterprises subject to USDA licensing to establish emergency/contingency planning in the event of a natural or manmade disaster or other business disruption. Dog breeders subject to USDA licensing and requirements include those who maintain more than 4 intact females and sell the offspring sight unseen. A similar, final rule for USDA licensees was published in December 2012 and implemented in January 2013. However, the rule was stayed in July 2013 due to concerns about the impact the rule would have on small enterprises. The new proposed rule re-establishes emergency/contingency planning requirements similar to those first published in 2012 (77FR76814-76824). Read more.
Federal – USDA APHIS has issued a new federal order that imposes restrictions on the importation of live dogs for resale from regions where African swine fever (ASF) exists or is reasonably believed to exist. ASF is not a threat to human health, but is a highly-contagious disease of wild and domestic swine that can spread rapidly in swine populations with extremely high rates of morbidity and mortality. If ASF were introduced into the U.S., the impact for the domestic pork industry, which has a gross output of $23.4 billion annually, could be catastrophic. As part of the efforts to prevent introduction of ASF into the U.S., APHIS monitors possible pathways of introduction of ASF into the United States. APHIS has determined that dogs imported from ASF-affected countries for resale purposes, along with their bedding, represent such a possible pathway for the introduction of disease. Dogs for resale include any transfer of ownership or control of an imported dog for more than de minimis consideration. Importers of dogs into the United States for resale from a region in which ASF exists or is reasonably believed to exist, must submit written documentation verifying completion of certain requirements. Read more.
Illinois – The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) recently published proposed amendments to the regulations that carry out the state’s Animal Welfare Act. These regulations would apply to all state licensed breeders, which in current law is anyone who raises and sells dogs they have bred, and have more than five females “capable of reproduction.” The proposed amendments add: (1) sanitation and safety requirements; (2) requirements for enclosures to be safely constructed, be large enough for the animals, and have adequate lighting and ventilation; (3) provisions to protect animals from dangerous weather conditions; and (4) requirements for providing animals with proper exercise, hygiene, and physical examinations. Comments were accepted through August 20, 2021. AKC GR issued an alert providing information on how to comment on the measure.
Virginia – The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) has proposed amendments to the Commonwealth’s regulations governing hunting, trapping, and terrestrial wildlife specifically as they relate to Coyote and Furbearer Hunting Contests. As written, the proposed amendment is unclear and could be interpreted to prohibit field trials, training, and canine performance events. AKC GR submitted a comment to DWR requesting a clarifying amendment. The formal comment period has closed and AKC GR continues to monitor the status of the issuance of any new regulations. Read more