News from the State Capitols
Here are some highlights of state-level issues AKC GR is currently tracking.
Arizona – House Bill 2323 states that for the purposes of homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, the breed of dog may not be considered for underwriting or determining risk or loss, questionnaires or surveys regarding the presence of a dog on the premises, or findings that a dog is dangerous for the purpose of providing insurance coverage. AKC worked with the sponsor and a broad range of stakeholders to develop this legislation.
California – Assembly Bill 702, which sought to regulate all breeders, was held in 2021 for consideration in 2022. It was amended in January to a “Dog and Cats Bill of Rights”. It is officially not going to be heard in its original or amended forms, and is officially dead. AKC is urging clubs to thank the committee and author’s office for not allowing this bill to advance. AKC GR continues to watch closely for future bills impacting dog owners and breeders in the state.
Connecticut – On January 13, 2022, lawmaker members of the Connecticut Animal Advocacy Caucus met with advocates to identify legislative priorities for the session. The agenda includes legislation that would prohibit the use of exotic or wild animals in traveling animal acts.
Florida – HB 253 addresses “retail sale of domestic dogs and cats” and seeks to criminalize the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores. It has been referred to the House Regulatory Reform Subcommittee, Civil Justice & Property Rights Subcommittee, and Commerce Committee.
Florida – SB 172/HB 227 are “lawyers for animals” bills that, among other provisions, would provide for appointment of an advocate for the interests of an animal in certain court proceedings. SB 172 seeks to provide that in certain civil or criminal court proceedings, the court may appoint, upon its own initiative or upon request of a party, an advocate to represent the interests of the animal, whether living or dead.
HB 227 was withdrawn by the sponsor. SB 172 is assigned to the Senate Judiciary, Agriculture, and Rules committees.
Florida – SB 226/HB 25 seek to establish funding for the care of retired law enforcement dogs. AKC GR sent a letter of support to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee, which unanimously favorably reported SB 226. The bill also passed in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice, and is next in Senate Appropriations Committee.
Florida –SB 416 / HB 883 seek to establish additional requirements for providers of animal cremation services and provide that certain acts and violations are unfair or deceptive acts. SB 416 has passed in the Senate Agriculture Committee and is next in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Florida –SB 420/HB 435 both seek to increase penalties for certain crimes involving animals. HB 435 also seeks to make it an offense to cause or allow a person under age 18 to attend an animal fight and to redefine sexual contact with an animal. The House Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee advanced a committee substitute bill for HB 435, which is next scheduled for consideration by the House Justice Appropriations Subcommittee.
Florida –SB 614 /HB 721 both seek to allow certain housing authorities to adopt ordinances, rules or policies to address safety and welfare concerns caused by owners of dogs that have bitten or attacked persons or domestic animals, provided that no such regulation is specific to breed. The bill would also remove the exemption for local breed specific ordinances enacted prior to October 1, 1999. SB 614 has been referred to the Senate Community Affairs, Agriculture, and Rules committees. HB 721 is on the agenda of the Local Administration and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee for January 13, 2022. AKC GR is monitoring this legislation.
Florida –SB 716 / HB 307 provide an exemption from public records requirements for records containing certain information pertaining to persons who have adopted an animal from an animal shelter or animal control agency operated by a local government. Each bill has received three committee assignments.
Florida – SB 772 among other provisions, provides definitions of “facility dog” and “therapy animal” pursuant to their use in depositions and courtrooms. It has received three committee assignments.
Florida –SB 994 / HB 849, among other provisions, seek to establish state licensure and regulation for pet stores; expand requirements and reporting for animal shelters and rescues, and preempt certain restrictions on pet stores and breeders. The Florida Association of Kennel Clubs and other advocates sought additional exemptions for breeders who do not sell at wholesale, which appear in SB 994. AKC GR is closely monitoring this legislation, and particularly SB 994 which was amended in committee on January 11, 2022.
Florida – SB 1508/HB 1075 would impose significant limitations on tethering a dog, with certain exceptions. HB 1075 has been referred to the House Civil Justice & Property Rights Subcommittee and Judiciary Committee.
Florida – SB 1750/HB 1061 seek to expand the obligations of a pet vendor if a pet is found to have a health issue, increase record keeping requirements, places limits on financial agreements for the sale of a pet, and pursuant to current consumer protection provisions for pet purchasers, remove the cap on veterinary costs (currently limited to the amount paid for the pet) that must be paid by the pet vendor. HB 1061 has been assigned to House Regulatory Reform Subcommittee, Civil Justice & Property Rights Subcommittee, and Commerce Committee.
Georgia – SB 303, a problematic dog breeder bill, did not advance during year 1 of the 2021-2022 legislative session. AKC, the Georgia Canine Coalition and other advocacy groups are working to communicate concerns with the bill and to urge that it not be considered in 2022.
Indiana – Senate Bill 18 would prohibit municipalities in Indiana from adopting any new regulation that bans ownership of specific dog breeds. AKC and the state federation have reached out to the sponsor to offer our support. It is pending in the Senate Committee on Local Government.
Kentucky – HB 20 seeks to redefine torture of a dog or cat and provide for penalties.
Kentucky – HB 71, among other provisions, seeks to allow any agency that seizes an animal to petition the court to require the owner to pay cost of care for the animal for the anticipated costs related to seizure and care of the animal or else the animal is forfeited. The provisions of the bill would encompass any alleged violation of any state or local animal ordinance.
Kentucky – HB 180 addresses civil liability immunity for damaging a vehicle when releasing pets in danger. It is currently in Committee on Committees.
Maryland – SB 103, as signed by the governor, seeks to regulate retail sourcing of animals. The new law also established a task force to study sourcing standards, breeding practices, and “canine breeding facilities” and to provide legislative recommendations by the end of 2021. AKC GR is an active member of this task force which held its first meeting on August 12, 2021. AKC GR provided a presentation to the task force. The task force met again on November 5, 2021 to discuss and draft its final report to the General Assembly. Upon reviewing the final draft of the report, AKC GR recommended a few edits and additional changes – some of which were incorporated in the Final Report submitted to the General Assembly on December 3, 2021.
Maryland – Cross-filed legislation entitled “Unattended Dogs in Extreme Weather Conditions and Heat” has been introduced. HB 16 and SB 44 are a reintroduction of bills from the 2021 session which limit the amount of time a dog can be outdoors in 32 degree or lower temperatures or 90 degrees or higher temperatures without “suitable shelter” or access to shade when the temperature is 90 degrees or higher. While the bills do include exemptions for hunting, livestock herding, sledding, sporting, or training as supported by AKC GR previously, AKC GR has tried to work with the sponsors to have acclimation added as an exemption for those who are humanely acclimating their dogs to weather in order to perform certain asks. Additionally, AKC GR is seeking an amendment to ensure that dogs that cannot meet absolute temperatures listed in the bill are protected by including the phrase: “or in accordance with the age, breed, general health, or condition of the dog and its ability to withstand the environment “. Additionally, AKC GR is requesting that the requirement for access to shade be readily available regardless of the temperature. HB 16 was considered in House Environment and Transportation on January 13, and SB 44 has been assigned to the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.
Massachusetts – Despite AKC GR testimony in opposition to SB 1322, the bill has been released favorably again this session from the Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government and sent to the Senate Ways and Means Committee. Among other restrictions, the bill would allow an animal control officer employed by a city or town to tell residents how many dogs or cats they can own after an inspection of their premises upon kennel license application. AKC GR submitted a detailed letter to this committee outlining concerns with the text on December 21, 2021. This legislation has been re-filed multiple sessions in a row following the same path of “no further action”. AKC GR will continue to monitor it.
Massachusetts – SB 2397 would prohibit the misrepresentation of a service animal. AKC GR submitted testimony in support to the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs for the public hearing that was held on January 7, 2022.
Massachusetts – HB 2547 would authorize the emergency transport and treatment of police K-9s injured in the line of duty. AKC GR urged Massachusetts residents to contact their lawmakers in support and request that they co-sponsor the bill. As a result, a significant number of new legislators signed on as co-sponsors. A companion bill, SB 1606, was refiled in the Senate. AKC GR issued an alert and testified in support before the Joint Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee on July 14, 2021. On November 9, 2021, the Senate Ways and Means Committee responded positively by making a few changes to the text and releasing it favorably as SB 2573. New text in the bill provides flexibility when utilizing the provision if ambulances are in limited supply or an emergency veterinary clinic is not nearby. SB 2573 passed the Senate on a unanimous vote taken November 10.
Massachusetts – Multiple re-filed bills with problematic provisions for dog owners were considered by the Joint Municipalities and Regional Government Committee on September 28, 2021. AKC GR issued an alert summarizing the bills and strongly encouraging residents to email the committee in addition to AKC’s written testimony. AKC GR provided support for just one bill on the agenda, HB 2146, because it would create the same consumer protections irrespective of where a pet was acquired.
Massachusetts – SB 230 and HB 384 seek to ban the retail sale of cats and dogs in pet shops unless they are sourced from animal shelters or rescue organizations. Similar to past versions, the proposed animal shelter and rescue definitions are problematic because they exclude rescue activities by breeders. The bills initially were assigned to the Joint Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee for review, which last session redrafted them to create consumer protections irrespective of the source of the pet. The bills have been reassigned to the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. AKC GR anticipates public hearings soon.
Massachusetts – HB 305 would establish state licensure for commercial boarding and training kennels and provide numerous regulations regarding care, group sizes, and housing, just to name a few. In addition, the state would approve required training programs regarding animal behavior, dog body language, and other subjects. Injuries to dogs or people would be reported to the state. Other types of kennels (including personal kennels) could be required in the future to obtain state licensure in addition to a municipal kennel license. AKC GR issued an alert and testified at the public hearing in July. Following the hearing, AKC GR had the opportunity to submit recommended changes for the bill.
Massachusetts – HB 378 would require anyone who grooms a pet for money to pass approved testing standards and obtain a state grooming license. Grooming facilities would also undergo periodic inspections to ensure compliance with rules and regulations issued. Use of a cage or box dryer would be prohibited. Violations would result in penalties ranging from $100 to $1,000 per offense. AKC GR testified at the public hearing on July 12, 2021, regarding concerns detailed in AKC GR’s alert. Following the hearing, AKC GR met virtually with the bill sponsor’s office and outlined suggested amendments to the legislation, which are being considered.
Maine – Two measures of interest to AKC in 2022 include LD 1828, “An Act to Improve the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry’s Low-cost Spaying and Neutering Program” which would require the Commissioner of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to contract for the administration of the Companion Animal Sterilization Fund, and LD 1744, to increase funding for the Animal Welfare Fund by increasing certain animal feed fees. Both bills are scheduled for public hearing on January 20, 2022 and AKC GR will monitor their movement.
Maine – LD 1885, “An Act to Increase Maine’s Veterinary Workforce” would create a program similar to the Doctors for Maine’s Future Scholarship Program in order to increase the veterinary workforce in the state. AKC GR and the Maine Federation of Dog Clubs are eager to support this initiative and will monitor for when the public hearing is scheduled by the Committee on Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business.
Maine – AKC GR is pleased to note that Senator Marianne Moore has again filed a Resolution, SP 669, identifying May 1, 2022 as Purebred Dog Day.
Michigan – House Bills 4703 and 4704 address the issue of animals being seized, and the payment of their care during impoundment. As introduced, the bills amend current law and clarify that the owner or possessor may request a hearing within 14 days to determine if the requirement to pay is justified and the cost is fair and reasonable. AKC issued an alert and drafted a letter to the committee expressing concerns with the underlying law. Numerous amendments were adopted by the House in November, including allowing the court to consider the ability of the defendant to pay and ensuring that if the owner is found not guilty, then the animals must be returned. However, it is unclear if this provision applies if a payment is missed during the trial. The bills have passed the House and are pending in the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee.
Mississippi – HB 417 would provide for expanded dog bite penalties and liability. It also would authorize civil actions, including treble damages and pain and suffering payments to a dog bite victim.
Mississippi – SB 2022 seeks to allow a court to include a pet in a protection order in a domestic abuse situation. AKC GR supports this bill as introduced. SB 2022 has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Division A Committee.
New Hampshire – SB 368 has been filed at the request of the Commissioner for the Department of Agriculture and Markets to address challenges enforcing the licensed pet vendor requirements. The bill would provide authority to seize animals maintained by a pet vendor and housed in the licensed portion of a premise, if, within 30 days of license revocation, the animals have not been transferred to another person. AKC GR and NH DOGS are seriously concerned about the text and raised constitutional issues among other problems at the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources public hearing held on January 11, 2022.
New Hampshire – On January 12, 2022, AKC GR submitted a letter of support to the House Committee on Judiciary hearing HB 1107 which would establish a committee to study the discrimination by housing and landlords to tenants with companion animals and potentially make legislative recommendations.
New Hampshire – HB 366 would authorize a court to order psychological evaluation and treatment for animal cruelty caused by animal hoarding disorder. The House Environment and Agriculture Committee held a work session in September 14, where AKC GR reviewed recommended changes to the draft. The committee voted to next secure review and input from the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, who is a retired judge. AKC GR participated in that review process and the Chairs are now working on amendments. The bill has been referred to an interim study.
New Hampshire – House lawmakers have completed the filing of bills for consideration in 2022. LSR 2022-2690 would have prohibited the use of canine units in law enforcement but, after speaking with AKC GR about the value, care and conditions of these working dogs, the sponsor withdrew the proposal.
New Hampshire – HB 1308 would prohibit the capture, possession, and propagation of hares and rabbits for hunting, training and field trials. AKC GR has reached out to the bill sponsor is working with impacted dog owners to oppose the bill. Members of multiple hunting organizations are also opposed and joined AKC GR, NH DOGS and New Hampshire beagle clubs testifying in opposition at the public hearing on January 14, 2022 before the House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee. The committee will vote on the bill on January 25. Read more about how to contact the committee in opposition.
New Jersey – As introduced, AB 1365 would have prohibited the “harassing or taking” of wildlife at competitive events. The intent of similar legislation introduced in other states is to prohibit contests during which the goal is the killing of the most wildlife. However, the original wording of AB 1365 could have impacted clubs offering performance events in New Jersey. The bill was amended in a committee hearing to address AKC’s concerns, but did not receive further consideration prior to the conclusion of the 2020-2021 legislative session. Read more.
New Jersey – As introduced, A.2401/S.3607 sought to establish new dog-related rules, including overreaching requirements for “large dogs.” AKC opposes the targeting of a specific phenotypic group of dogs for additional regulation. A significantly amended version of A.2401 was adopted by the Assembly Agriculture Committee on June 21; however the bill did not receive additional consideration during the 2020-2021 legislative session.
New Jersey – S.2868 sought to establish a courtroom advocates (“lawyers for dogs”) program in the state. The bill featured broad language that will likely impact the legal classification of animals in the state. The bill passed the Senate, but failed to receive further consideration in the Assembly Judiciary Committee.
New Jersey – S.4058 and A.6099 sought to update the state’s tethering provisions and create new costs of care laws for dogs seized as part of a criminal or civil animal cruelty case. AKC took no issue with tethering provisions that would have deemed it unlawful to tether a dog on an unoccupied or vacant property or any structure thereon, in a manner that exposes the dog to accumulated waste or other debris, precipitation, or flooding. However, AKC expressed deep concerns with onerous cost of care provisions, and requested amendments to (1) better protect the constitutional, property, and contractual rights of dog owners; (2) to protect the interests of non-possessory co-owners, and (3) ensure that only medically necessary surgical procedures are permitted to be performed on a seized animal. S.4058 was passed by the Senate on the last voting day of the lame duck session, but neither S.4058 or A.6099 were considered by the full Assembly prior to the end of the session.
Oklahoma – House Bill 2993 is a recently introduced bill that would limit when a dog can be tethered outdoors. The bill may not allow tethering for training or hunting purposes and only includes an exemption for dogs tethered for agriculture purposes. AKC is closely monitoring the bill and will work with stakeholders in Oklahoma to address our concerns with the legislation.
Oklahoma– Senate Bill 1223 would make it a misdemeanor for a person who is not disabled to misrepresent their animal as a service animal to gain treatment or benefits. AKC supports this legislation and will work with the bill sponsor to see the legislation advance.
Oregon – Animal rights activists are currently collecting signatures to put a measure (IP 13) on the November 2022 ballot that would essentially ban all hunting, prohibit certain breeding practices including artificial insemination, and restrict training practices. Other provisions would dramatically impact farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and even pest control. AKC is working with two broad coalitions to oppose the measure. Read more.
Pennsylvania – House Bill 2047 will enhance the punishments for breeders who abuse animals and make it more difficult for them to game the system when they lose their licenses. The bill would change the first violation for the mistreatment of dogs under their care from a summary offense to a misdemeanor. The maximum fine would also double. Additionally, the legislation would prevent any immediate family member of the offender from obtaining a license as well as anyone who resides at the same residence. The bill has been referred to the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. AKC GR will continue to monitor the bill, which is not scheduled for a hearing.
Pennsylvania – HB 142 would exempt certain Dog Law revenues from being transferred into a separate account. Since 1988, all fines, fees and costs collected by the Pennsylvania judicial system in excess of the amount collected from same sources during Fiscal Year 1986-87 are deposited into the Judicial Computer System Augmentation Account. This includes certain monies that would otherwise be used to fund operations of the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement. The Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement has been operating at a deficit because the licensing fees it receives do not generate enough revenue to fund operations. HB 142 would exempt from transfer approximately $200,000/year in fines, court fees and costs received under the Dog Law. HB 142 passed the House and is now in the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.
Pennsylvania – HB 526 / SB 232 are reintroductions of legislation from last session that seek to increase dog license fees to provide additional funding for the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement. As proposed, the legislation changes the dog licensing requirement from 12 age weeks to 8 weeks but eliminates differentiation between intact and spayed/neutered dogs. AKC GR and the Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs met with the Bureau director regarding the proposed legislation. AKC GR was recently contacted regarding alternate language for the licensing requirement and recommended that it be kept at the current three months of age or older or upon transfer to a new owner, whichever comes first. Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement and the bill sponsors have indicated that they agree to the change. Both bills are in their respective chamber’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. AKC GR will continue the monitor these bills.
Pennsylvania – SB 234 seeks to establish a retail pet store ban in favor of showcasing shelter and rescue dogs for adoption. AKC GR met with the Senate staff to discuss the legislation and offer better alternatives than an outright ban. In both the meeting and follow up, AKC GR encouraged the sponsors to introduce enhanced consumer protection legislation that provides consumers with better information and protection irrespective of the source of dogs, including rescues and shelters which are currently exempt. AKC GR will continue to monitor the bill, which is pending in committee and likely will not be scheduled for a hearing or any committee action in the foreseeable future.
Pennsylvania – AKC GR has been working with State Senator Gene Yaw, on legislation to establish the Animal Welfare Board to review existing state laws and regulations related to the keeping and handling of animals. The Board is to be comprised of individuals representing various stakeholder organizations and representatives from the PA Department of Agriculture and the Attorney General’s office. Prior to the introduction of the bill, AKC GR met with the Senator’s staff to provide further suggestions to ensure appropriate stakeholders and experts are included on the board. As such, we suggested that the board include two members representing the Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs, ensuring that a kennel license holder was represented, and that an American Kennel Club representative was included. Further, to ensure the impact that we believe this Board could have, we suggested that it meet more frequently than the timeframe mentioned in the original draft. All of AKC GR’s suggestions have been included in the final draft which is now SB 907 and has been assigned to the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. AKC GR will continue to work with Senator Yaw’s office to encourage fast track passage of this legislation.
Rhode Island – HB 6624 would establish an animal abuser registry that requires pet sellers to check the registry prior to transfer and face penalties for transferring an animal to a convicted abuser on the registry. This bill is a re-filed measure that AKC GR has previously expressed concerns with and will do so again.
Rhode Island – HB 7021 would authorize the emergency treatment and transport of a police K9 injured in the line of duty. AKC GR supports this bill.
South Carolina – H 3066 seeks to increase penalties for teasing, injuring or killing a police dog or horse. It has been referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary. This bill could be considered in 2022, the second year of South Carolina’s two-year session.
South Carolina – H 3067 seeks to require that any second violation of the Chapter on Cruelty to Animals, which includes violations under which no animal is harmed, would require forfeiture of ownership of all animals and a prohibition from owning an animal for five years. H 3067 has been referred to the House Committee on Judiciary. This bill could be considered in 2022, the second year of South Carolina’s two-year session.
South Carolina – H 4094 contains problematic findings and seeks to restrict ownership of and require registration of fertile pit bull dogs with a governmental animal control agency. These requirements would apply to “American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers,” dogs displaying the physical traits of one or more of the listed breeds, or a dog exhibiting the distinguishing characteristics that conform to the standards established by the AKC for any of the breeds. AKC GR issued an alert and sent a letter of concern to subcommittee members. H 4094 appeared on the agenda of the House Special Laws Subcommittee, but was not considered during the 2021 session. It could be considered in 2022, the second year of South Carolina’s two-year session.
South Carolina – S 186 would remove certain exemptions for hunting dogs under state cruelty laws while protecting the use of recognized and responsible training techniques and devices. S 186 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.
South Carolina – S 378 would increase penalties for teasing or injuring police dogs and horses, and provide that a person convicted must pay restitution for costs of restoring or replacing a police animal and complete 500 hours of community service. S 378 passed in the Senate and has been referred to the House Committee on Judiciary.
South Carolina – S 556 seeks to make changes to certain laws that govern trapping in the state. As introduced, this bill could have increased hazards for dogs whose owners participate in field trials, Coonhound events, hunting, and training for these sports, as well as hiking, wilderness camping, and other outdoor activities with dogs. The bill was favorably amended in committee to address certain concerns. It passed in the Senate and was referred to the House Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs. Read AKC GR’s alert on S 556 as it was originally introduced.
Tennessee – HB 547 would require any person who, during a twelve-month period, possesses or maintains ten or more intact female adult dogs for the primary purpose of selling their offspring as household pets, to register with the Department of Commerce and Insurance. Registrants would be subject to inspections biennially and at the discretion of the commissioner, and rules and fees would be set by the commission. Registrants could not participate in organized or home-based dog rescue activities. AKC GR worked with sportsmen’s groups to oppose the bill, distributed information and talking points at Nashville-area dog shows, and met with key Senators prior to committee consideration. The bill was sent to “General Sub” in the Senate Energy, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Committee, which means it has been put “on hold.” The Tennessee legislative session lasts two years, and therefore the bills remain active until end of the 2022 session.
Tennessee – HB 1322 / SB 948 would require law enforcement agencies to annually report statistics and policies regarding police canine units to the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) commission and require the POST commission to develop and implement state guidelines for the training, care, and use of police canine units for law enforcement purposes. Action was deferred on these bills until 2022. AKC GR will continue to monitor this legislation.
Texas – SB 5 will regulate tethering in the state by providing guidelines for how a dog may be tethered. SB 5 was passed and signed by Governor Abbott after he vetoed a similar bill in the 2021 Texas Regular Session. Dog Owners in Texas should familiarize themselves with the new law to ensure they remain in compliance. The law went into effect on January 18, 2022. Click here for more information.
Texas– AKC continues to closely monitor developments on local issues in Texas. Thanks to these efforts AKC was made aware of the development of ordinances that could ban the retail sale of dogs at pet stores in multiple cities. New Braunfels and Dallas were considering a new ordinance related to sales at pet stores and the AKC submitted letters early on in the process urging them not to implement an outright prohibition on the sales of dogs at pet stores and those recommendations were well received by the city councils
Vermont – HB 504 would mandate the drafting of a report on which entities have what responsibilities for animal issues in the state and outline the consolidation of responsibilities under one entity that would provide uniform standards. The Animal Cruelty Investigation Advisory Board submitted such a report to the legislature last year and plans to work with this legislation to advance recommendations in their report. AKC GR and the Vermont Federation of Dog Clubs plans to be involved.
Vermont – SB 155 is an omnibus bill establishing a public safety agency also would provide administrative support to the Animal Cruelty Investigation Advisory Board (ACIAB). Last session, the ACIAB was charged with providing training to animal control officers and would benefit from these resources. AKC GR will monitor the bill’s progress.