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Issues at the City, County, and Metropolitan Levels, and in US Territories

AL, Florence – the Public Safety Committee approved changes to the city of Florence dangerous dog law, pending review by the city attorney. An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances will be proposed at a future city council meeting.

CA, Kern County – The Kern County Animal Services Commission is considering a proposal that would institute an increased licensing regime in Kern County with severe penalties for a first violation. Current law already requires an unaltered dog permit. Under the proposal, failure to license an unaltered dog could lead to mandatory spay/neuter on one violation of related animal control laws.  Additional language in the bill is unclear about the availability of unaltered permits going forward.  AKC continues to be in communication with the Kern County Animal Services Commission and is working with numerous local club members to address concerns.  Read more.

OK, Tulsa – The Tulsa Animal Welfare Board last month requested that County Commissioner’s adopt a tether ordinance. AKC submitted a letter to the commissioners and to the Tulsa Animal Welfare Board with language recommendations to fairly regulate tethering. At this time no law has been drafted.