KS, Wichita – The Wichita Animal Services Advisory Board met in November to discuss a mandatory spay and neuter Ordinance. AKC has shared our concerns with the board on numerous occasions. The board hopes to address this as part of several issues related to at-large dog problems. AKC will continue to weigh in on these proposals. Read more.
Additionally, the Wichita Police Department (WPD) has not given approval for a pet store ordinance proposed by the board to go before the full city council. This ordinance was approved by the board in July.
KS, Augusta – The Augusta City Council proposed legislation to repeal a local breed specific ordinance that prohibits keeping certain breeds in the community. The city council has not yet considered the proposed ordinance. AKC sent a letter of support to the council in September in support of repealing this ordinance. Read more.
TN, Knoxville – The city council enacted overreaching changes to the city animal ordinance that go into effect March 13. Read more.
TN, Nashville/Davidson County – A proposed revised animal ordinance has been withdrawn. A new ordinance, BL2023-1688, was filed on 1/30/23 and could be on the Metro Council agenda on 4/18/23. The new ordinance also contains problematic definitions and overreaching provisions similar to the previous version. Read more about AKC concerns with the withdrawn ordinance.
TX, Frisco – Frisco City Council was expected to vote on a final pet store ordinance in October but ultimately did not hold a vote. AKC has submitted recommendations to the city council dating back to 2021 to encourage them to develop an ordinance that would continue to allow pet stores to sell purpose-bred dogs sourced from breeders. The council reached out to AKC in September and worked to address some of our concerns with the initially proposed language, but no final proposal has been developed.
TX, San Marcos – The San Marcos City Council had a final vote scheduled on 11/15 for an ordinance that would require spay/neuter on a first at-large dog offense and it would additionally prohibit pet stores from sourcing dogs from breeders. AKC has been in contact with the city council to oppose these measures and offered to work on alternatives. The council postponed the final vote on the ordinance until 2023. Read more.
VA, Rockingham County – The county Board of Supervisors continues to deliberate the regulation of dog kennels. Under the original proposal, a commercial kennel was limited to four adult breeding females. The new proposal amended in a work session in September seeks to change the definition by using the number of litters (4-8 a year or possibly 5 over 2 years) but exempts individuals with two or fewer litters (2 per year or possibly 2 over 2 years). Although some of the numerous arbitrary requirements to operate a commercial kennel remain in the current proposal, AKC GR was able to get some of them modified. Those providing input at the hearing were concerned with the low numbers of litters allowed in the proposal as well as many of the arbitrary standards that remain. The current proposal was the result of a work session on the ordinance. The entire proposal as it is currently written is available beginning on page 27 of the Board of Supervisors September 28, 2022 meeting agenda.
AKC GR continues to provide input and encouraging the Board of Supervisors to ensure that the final ordinance Rockingham County develops is in the best interest of dogs, enforceable, and absent of any unintended circumstances that negatively impact responsible dog breeders. No timeline has been given for final action on the proposal.