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This summer has been hitting record breaking temperatures, and while you are looking for ways to cool off, it’s also important to remember your furry friends.

In response to some tragic situations, some lawmakers have sought to enact laws aimed at protecting dogs when they are outside in extreme weather. Many of these proposals unfortunately include a one-size fits all approach that does not address all dogs and situations.  To help dog owners communicate the many concerns and problems that arise with a one-size fits all approach, AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) has updated a one-page, printable handout with talking points for legislators and posted it in the AKC Legislative Action Center Toolbox.

Members of Congress are back in their districts this month, but staff on the House and Senate Agriculture Committees are busy working on this year’s Farm Bill. The Farm Bill, reauthorized only once every five years, provides Congressional reauthorization for federal agricultural programs, including animal welfare and dog breeder licensing/regulation administered by the USDA. The measure provides a rare opportunity to seek statutory change to USDA programs as an attachment to a must-pass spending bill. Typically there are many attempts by animal groups to use the Farm Bill as a vehicle to change federal breeder and other animal oversight laws, and this year is no different. AKC GR is working hard to ensure that any text of this measure that impacts dogs does not include harmful anti-breeder initiatives such as the Puppy Protection Act  or Goldie’s law and does include positive measures like the Healthy Dog Importation Act that protect the canine and public health and welfare. We need your help too. Please take a  moment to contact your members of Congress while they are back in their home districts. View our crucial, most recent alert to learn more.  

This month, AKC GR presented a Legislator of the Year award to Nevada Assemblywoman Melissa Hardy, who worked with constituents and GR staff this year on comprehensive legislation to ensure the proper care of dogs outdoors, while still allowing owners to enjoy humane, safe activities with their pets.

Also this summer, AKC GR has been on the road educating and meeting with lawmakers, and expanding previously held relationships.

AKC is also pleased to announce that   three states have passed laws to reduce or eliminate breed discrimination in insurance. AKC GR often hears from dog owners who struggle to find homeowner’s insurance coverage because of the breed of dog they choose to own. AKC opposes all efforts by insurance companies to determine coverage based on a dog’s breed or appearance, rather than actual deeds. If a dog is a well-behaved member of the household and the community, there is no reason to deny or cancel coverage.  It harms responsible owners and does not address the issue of truly dangerous dogs.

We encourage you to check our resources, including easy-to-use key-issues pages, 2-minute explainer videos, and newly updated economic benefits information, printable issue handouts, comprehensive policy briefs and model legislation, sample letters, blogs with news and advocacy information, and much more in our Legislative Action Center at If you have questions or hear of an issue in your community, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at  Thank you for your continued partnership.