As the summer winds down and election season begins in earnest, August is a good time to reflect on the previous legislative year and hone some new skills for legislative advocacy. A great way to refresh, improve, and learn new skills is at our 2022 AKC Legislative Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina, October 22-23.
Join us for a day and a half of learning, networking, and sharing experiences with other legislative liaisons around the nation. Learn from AKC Government Relations and other experts about the latest trends, strategies, and tips for community outreach and legislative success. Learn how you can get involved, improve outcomes and inspire others to join the cause. Topics include: Updated Tips, Tools and Resources for Successful Legislative Advocacy; Advanced Advocacy For Dogs; Federation Building and Community Organizing; Media Engagement and Community Outreach for Purebred Dogs; 15 Actions Your AKC Club Can Begin Today; Understanding the Animal Rights Agenda in Everyday Life; National & International Trends, Legislative Overview and Strategy, Advancing Canine Health; and more!
Additionally, congratulations are in order. The American Kennel Club received the ‘Leashes of Leadership Award’ from the Association of Service Dog Providers for Military Veterans (ASDPMV) on July 20, 2022 at the National Service Dogs for Veterans Conference held in San Antonio, TX. The award was presented to Government Relations, Vice President, Sheila Goffe in recognition for the department’s efforts with the development of Service Dog Pass ®, the first truly authoritative voluntary opt-in credential users designed to reduce friction and improve access for service dog users, while also improving gatekeeper and public confidence in appropriately-trained service dogs.
Has a local lawmaker gone the extra mile to do something beneficial for dogs? Make sure they get recognized. Rhode Island State Representative David Bennett (Warwick/Cranston), House sponsor of H. 7021, “Nero’s Law,” was recognized by the Providence County Kennel Club (PCKC) at their Wide World of Indoor Sports Dog Show. He enjoyed meeting exhibitors and taking photos with many different breeds before awarding Best in Show. The Representative filed Nero’s Law as a memorial to Massachusetts Sgt. Sean Gannon, who lost his life while serving an arrest warrant in 2018. During the incident, his police K-9 Nero suffered career-ending injuries. Emergency medical personnel were not authorized to use an ambulance to transport and treat Nero. Bennett’s bill authorizes the emergency care and transport of police K-9s injured while on duty. 2022. Representative Bennett’s bill was signed by Governor McKee on June 29. A similar bill was adopted in Massachusetts in February.
When it comes to the best interest of dogs, you may have heard a lot of terms thrown out there. “Animal rights”, “animal welfare”, but what exactly does it all mean? AKC GR’s article in Show Sight Magazine breaks it down for you.
Plus, the AKC GR has been busy meeting with lawmakers on your behalf at both the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL). Participation at these events can change the perspectives of legislators who may be hearing misinformation about canine issues, and can help them better understand the value that local clubs, responsible dog owners, and breeders bring to the community and policy discussions.
As always, if you hear about pending dog-related legislation. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at or 919-816-3720.