It’s June, which means it is officially summer! That means more events, club meetings, and opportunities to promote responsible dog ownership and the good things the American Kennel Club and affiliate clubs do. The American Kennel Club prides itself on being the champion for all dogs – and for dog-friendly communities too! That is why we are pleased to introduce newly updated AKC economic and community impact figures for all 50 states. The AKC Impact By State packet provides valuable information to share with lawmakers, local media, chambers of commerce and other community entities about the positive impact that AKC clubs, affiliates and events have in each and every state.
Easy-to-share one-page summaries have been updated to include a broad range of information including:
- Economic impact of AKC dog shows
- The number of AKC dog clubs and shows by state
- AKC Reunite disaster relief trailer and K-9 Officer donations by state
- AKC Canine Health Foundation (AKC CHF) Research grants and dollars by state
This newly revised resource utilizes survey data of expenditures in local communities by dog show exhibitors in 2022. The updated survey revealed that exhibitors spend approximately $982 in a local community during a dog show weekend. We urge you to take a few moments and see and share just a few highlights of what AKC is doing in your state.
Earlier this week, AKC GR staff participated in a congressional staff briefing about the federal Animal Welfare Act, its current requirements, and its impact on dog owners. “Lawmakers are often asked to introduce or sponsor legislation that amends the AWA, but few have time or resources to study the existing regulations or become experts on its requirements”, said Sheila Goffe. “This briefing is designed to help familiarize staff with the basics of existing requirements of the AWA and how it protects animals in the exhibition, pet breeding, handling, and research space.”
Many state legislative sessions are adjourning, and many lawmakers will soon be back in their home districts. This represents a great opportunity to get to know your lawmakers. Five Things To Do This Summer To Protect Your Dogs And Your Rights highlights easy and important actions you can take this summer to protect your rights as dog owners and help preserve the future of the breeds.
Dog shows can represent great outreach opportunities too. On June 3, the Ladies Dog Club of Massachusetts welcomed Massachusetts State Representative Danielle Gregoire to its all-breed dog show at the Wrentham Cracker Barrel Fairgrounds. Across the country, Western States Legislative Analyst/ Community Outreach Coordinator, Bob Rilling-Smith, staffed an AKC booth and answered questions at the Woofstock dog show cluster, hosted by the Contra Costa County Kennel Club and the Yosemite Kennel Club in the San Francisco Bay Area.
We encourage you to check our resources, including easy-to-use key-issues pages, 2-minute explainer videos, and newly updated economic benefits information, printable issue handouts, comprehensive policy briefs and model legislation, sample letters, blogs with news and advocacy information, and much more in our Legislative Action Center at If you have questions or hear of an issue in your community, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Thank you for your continued partnership.