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This week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 5, which will regulate tethering in the state by providing guidelines for how a dog may be tethered. The bill goes into effect on January 18, 2022.

Senate Bill 5 is similar to Senate Bill 474 which was passed and sent to the governor during the Texas regular 2021 legislative session, but the governor ultimately vetoed SB 474.

The American Kennel Club did not take a position on SB 5 or other related tethering bills before the legislature in 2021.

SB 5 was amended from its introduced version to clarify when suitable shelter must be provided. Amendments additionally clarified the definition of a collar and requirements that a dog have access to an area where it can avoid standing water or exposure to excessive animal waste.

The bill still includes exemptions for training, hunting, walking a dog and other activities that require a dog to be temporarily restrained.

We encourage all dog owners in the state to familiarized themselves with the newly enacted law to ensure they are following all new tethering regulations.

AKC Government Relations continues to closely monitor Texas legislation.  For more information, contact AKC GR at