Hawaii Senate Bill Seeks to Limit Docking and Cropping
The American Kennel Club is concerned with Hawaii Senate Bill 2512. The bill, which is scheduled to be considered by the House Committee on Consumer Protection and Commerce on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at 2:00pm in House Conference Room 329, seeks to limit the practices of surgical births, debarking, tail docking, and ear cropping by […]
| March 10, 2020
Illinois: Evanston Postpones Vote on Hobby Breeder Sales Ban- Keep Contacting the Council
Last night, the Evanston City Council voted to delay action on a measure that would significantly restrict the sale of dogs in the city. As stated in the previous alert, sales would be banned in the city unless the animals are from a shelter, a rescue, or a breeder that BOTH has a USDA license […]
| March 10, 2020
UPDATE CT: Hearings March 10 – 12 Postponed
AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) has learned that the Connecticut General Assembly has postponed until further notice all Joint Committee hearings scheduled for this week. Several bills proposing changes to dog policies in the state were expected to be considered by multiple Joint committees. To review bills originally on the calendar, click here to view […]
| March 10, 2020
Virginia Update: Amended Tethering Bill Passes House and Senate, Heads to Governor
This weekend, the Virginia House and Senate passed a Substitute version of SB 272 and the bill now heads to the governor. This Substitute included the absolute temperatures and weather conditions language, along with a new (and unclear) provision that would allow an animal control officer to assess a situation a determine the ability of […]
| March 9, 2020
Illinois: City of Evanston to Consider Banning Sales of Dogs by Hobby Breeders at Meeting TONIGHT- March 9
March 9, 2020 The City of Evanston has suspended its procedural rules and will be considering and possibly voting on an ordinance TONIGHT (Monday, March 9) that would ban the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in the city unless the animals are from a shelter, rescue, or a breeder that BOTH has a USDA […]
| March 9, 2020
CT: Multiple Hearings March 9th – 12 on Proposed Policy Changes Impacting Dogs
Next week, several Connecticut General Assembly Joint Committees have scheduled public hearings on a number of bills impacting dogs. The American Kennel Club (AKC) is encouraging all dog owners to review this list and submit your comments via email to the respective committees. Sentencing Commission Review of Animal Cruelty Laws: SB 388 requires the Connecticut […]
| March 6, 2020
Minnesota: Proposed Creation of Companion Animal Board to Regulate Kennels
The Minnesota House Committee on Government Operations is scheduled to consider House File 3584, which seeks to create a Companion Animal Board as the primary authority for regulating companion animals in this state. Concerned Minnesota residents are strongly encouraged to contact the bill’s sponsor and the committee members to express concerns with H.F. 3584. Under […]
| March 6, 2020
Michigan: Urge House Agriculture Committee to Support Dogs, Dog Events by Not Advancing HB 5577
Yesterday, a bill was introduced in the Michigan House that would place arbitrary limits on when a dog can be outside. As proposed, the measure would have a significant negative impact on many Michigan residents who own and/or breed dogs, as well as those who participate in outdoor activities with their dogs. Among other provisions, […]
| March 5, 2020
APHIS Adopts New Rules Regarding the National Veterinary Accreditation Program
Last week, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) published amendments to the regulations governing the National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NAVP). Under the Animal Health Protection Act, the USDA may take steps to prevent the introduction and interstate spread of diseases and pests to ensure that the health […]
| March 4, 2020
SOUTH DAKOTA: Bill Seeks to Allow Therapy Dogs in Court
South Dakota Senate Bill 136 seeks to allow therapy dogs to accompany vulnerable witnesses when testifying in South Dakota courts. The bill has passed in the Senate and will be considered by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 10:00 AM. The bill requires that before the introduction of a certified therapeutic […]
| March 3, 2020