TSA Provides Guidance on Explosive Detection Canines
Late last week, the United States’ Transportation Security Administration (TSA) published new technical, medical, and behavioral standards recommendations for explosive detection canines. These standards are a response to legislation (HR 4577 - the Domestic Explosives Canine Capacity Building Act) that the American Kennel Club (AKC) worked to advance in 2017 and 2018. That legislation directed […]
| March 24, 2020
Update: State Exemptions Protecting Pet Care, Supplies and Services During Shutdown
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many states are shutting down all but what they deem to be essential services and businesses. Over the last week, AKC has reached out to government officials and also asked for your help in ensuring that pet supplies, pet care, and pet services are ruled “essential” (exempt) businesses so that […]
| March 23, 2020
Virginia Update: Tethering Bill Signed in House and Senate, Heads to Governor
Last week both the President of Senate and the Speaker of the House signed SB 272 which now heads to the governor. The governor could take action on this bill very soon. Those who reside or participate in dog events in Virginia are encouraged to contact Governor Northam to respectfully express any concerns or comments […]
| March 23, 2020
MA Update: Governor Orders Closure of Non-Essential Businesses
In an ongoing effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus, this morning Massachusetts Governor Baker ordered all non-essential businesses in Massachusetts to close beginning at 12pm on Tuesday, March 24, 2020. The order is effective until April 7, 2020. A stay at home advisory is also being issued by the state’s Department of Public […]
| March 23, 2020
Update: New York Declares Pet Services “Essential Businesses”
The State of New York has clarified that businesses relating to the care of companion animals are declared essential and will be exempt from the shut-down order now in effect in the state to address concerns with the COVID-19 virus. On Sunday, March 22, a clarification was issued by the New York Department of Agriculture […]
| March 23, 2020
Washington Legislature Adjourns, Bill with Positive Amendments Protecting Animals Heads to Governor
The Washington State Legislature has adjourned for the year, as originally scheduled. Before adjournment, a significantly amended version of Senate Bill 6300 was passed. This bill’s original version contained language that attempted to define animal pain to establish grounds for criminal charges for animal abuse and neglect. However, this terminology was broad and open to […]
| March 23, 2020
Ask Your Elected Officials to Declare Pet Services “Essential Businesses” During COVID-19 Related Closures
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many states are shutting down all but what they deem to be essential services and businesses – and AKC is asking for your help in ensuring our dogs continue to get the supplies and services they need and deserve. The American Kennel Club (AKC) joined this week with the Pet […]
| March 21, 2020
AKC Urges Officials To Allow Pet Food & Service Suppliers To Remain Open During COVID -19 Crisis
The American Kennel Club (AKC) today joined with the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) and other animal care leaders to urge government officials to help ensure the well-being of animals by allowing businesses that provide products and services for the care of pets to continue to operate during the COVID-19 response. Dennis Sprung, AKC […]
| March 21, 2020
Maryland: Session Ends Without Passing Animal Bills
In response to public health concerns associated with COVID-19, the Maryland Legislature has ended the 2020 session and will not reconvene until January 13, 2021. As a result of the House and Senate working hurriedly to move numerous bills and pass a budget, many bills did not make it to final passage. Three of those […]
| March 20, 2020
California Update: Palm Springs Delays Action on Breeder Restriction Proposal
Last night (Thursday, March 19), the Palm Springs City Council voted to reschedule consideration of changes to the city’s animal ordinances. The proposals included restrictions on dog breeding, new and increased fees for dog ownership, new penalties for violating ordinances, and changes to the length the city’s privately-run animal shelter must retain captured animals before […]
| March 20, 2020