Share Your Thoughts on AKC GR’s Communications
As part of our ongoing efforts to continuously improve how we serve the American Kennel Club (AKC) and its breeder, owner, fancier, and enthusiast constituents, AKC‘s Government Relations Department (GR) is conducting a short survey to understand how we may better communicate with you about important legislative issues in your area. Please take a few […]
| September 22, 2022
California: Governor Signs Amended Training Bill
California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill requiring dog trainers to disclose whether there have been any civil judgements regarding their training or any animal cruelty convictions. The new law was significantly amended from the original version of Assembly Bill 1901 at the request of AKC, sportsmen, and trainers throughout the state. It goes […]
| September 20, 2022
Kansas: Augusta Considering Repealing Breed Ban
In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Sept. 7, the City of Augusta announced that it will reconsider its dog breed ban at its next meeting that is scheduled for September 19th. Dog owners and interested members of the public should attend the meeting and encourage city council to repeal the breed ban. City ordinance currently bans keeping […]
| September 16, 2022
ND Update: Minot Repeals Breed Ban
Update: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Monday, by a 4-3 vote, the Minot City Council voted to repeal the city’s decades-old ban of multiple breeds. The American Kennel Club appreciates Councilmember Carrie Evans’ work in promoting the change to a breed-neutral animal control policy in Minot. _________________________________________________ On Monday, September 19, the City Council of Minot, […]
| September 9, 2022
California: Training Bill with AKC Amendments Heads to Governor
The California Legislature transmitted a bill to the governor that as amended requires all California dog trainers to disclose certain cruelty convictions and civil judgements to all clients. Those who wish may contact the governor regarding this bill may do so in one of the following manners: Online form Telephone: (916) 558-3160 This bill originally […]
| September 8, 2022
California Wrap-Up: Former “Bill of Rights” Fails, Training Bill Approved With AKC Amendments
Yesterday, the California State Legislature adjourned, signifying several important victories including the defeat of the bill formerly known as the “Dog and Cat Bill of Rights” and the passage of a bill requiring disclosures for dog trainers that included AKC’s amendments. AKC thanks the California federations, dog clubs, fanciers, owners, trainers, and sportsmen who took […]
| September 1, 2022
California Update: Senate Approves Trainer Disclosure Bill
Yesterday, the California State Senate passed Assembly Bill 1901, the dog trainer disclosure bill. As reported on August 17, previous amendments require trainers to provide a written disclosure with the following information: The trainer’s name and address (this is from the original bill and could include the address where the training is held) Any civil […]
| August 25, 2022
Virginia Information: Nelson Co. Board of Supervisors Approves New Kennel Definition
Following a Public Hearing at a recent County Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board of Supervisors voted to approve Zoning Ordinance Amendments that changes the definition of “Kennel” and its use in certain zoning districts. It should be noted that existing kennels, and kennels as a secondary use in conjunction with a dwelling (home occupation) […]
| August 18, 2022
California Update: Senate Further Amends Training Disclosure Bill
Yesterday, the California Senate approved further amendments to the dog trainer disclosure bill (Assembly Bill 1901). The amendments now require trainers to provide a written disclosure with the following information: The trainer’s name and address (this is from the original bill and could include the address where the training is held) Any civil judgements relating […]
| August 17, 2022
California Info: Senate Considering Bill Requiring Emergency Preparedness Plans for Kennels
The California Senate will likely soon consider a bill that will require those registered as a “kennel” in their local community to also include an emergency preparedness plan. The bill has already passed the Assembly and recently passed Senate committees. It is now pending third reading in the Senate, along with the Assembly bills mentioned […]
| August 16, 2022