NC Victory: Legislature Passes Budget Without Animal Welfare Fund Transfer, Veterinary Tax
This week the North Carolina General Assembly approved the state budget for next year. Previous versions of the budget had included items of significant concern to the AKC, such as a transfer of the animal welfare budget and oversight away from the Department of Agriculture. Another version included a tax on veterinary services. Neither of […]
| September 18, 2015
Ulster County, NY Update: Hobby Breeder Regulations to Be Discussed in October
The Ulster County Legislature has made numerous changes to the proposal that would regulate dog breeders and sellers in the county, and a public hearing will be held in October. The Ulster County Legislature is demonstrating a willingness to listen to constituents on this proposal, and residents are encouraged to continue contacting the legislators to […]
| September 17, 2015
Ulster County, NY Update: Hobby Breeder Regulations Vote Tabled
The Ulster County Legislature has decided to not proceed with a vote on an ordinance that would have regulated breeders and imposed kennel requirements that were not in the best interest of dogs. The AKC was pleased to assist the efforts of local clubs and hobbyists who worked tirelessly to educate the legislature on the […]
| August 19, 2015
URGENT: Ulster County, NY Considering Regulation of Hobby BreedersCall Today!
The Ulster County Legislature is considering a proposal that would regulate hobby breeders in the county and could vote as early as tomorrow (Tuesday, August 18). County residents are urged to contact the legislature immediately and urge them to not allow this proposal to pass as it is currently written. Type in your address on […]
| August 17, 2015
Kansas City, MO Seeking Public Input on Animal Control Laws
Officials in Kansas City, Missouri, are seeking input from residents on what they think could improve the city’s animal control laws. The city has set up a website with a message board to comment on things that are working in the law, and constructive suggestions for changes. This is a great opportunity for those who […]
| August 13, 2015
Iredell County (NC) Considering Multiple Changes to Animal Control Laws
Iredell County, NC, will be hosting an open meeting on August 25 to allow for public comment on the numerous proposed changes to the county’s animal control laws. These proposals include the broad categorization of all dogs as solely companion animals, requirements on ear cropping, tail docking and dewclaw removal, and tethering regulations. Summary: The […]
| August 11, 2015
Ulster County (NY) Considering Breeder Regulations on Wednesday (8/12)
The Ulster County Legislature is holding a public hearing on Wednesday on a proposal that would regulate hobby breeders residing in the county. County residents are encouraged to consider attending the hearing and contact the county legislators to express concerns with the proposal as currently written. The meeting information is as follows: Public Hearing on […]
| August 10, 2015
New Jersey Committee to Consider Multiple Dog Bills on Monday, August 10
Thursday, August 6, 2015 The New Jersey Senate’s Economic Growth Committee will consider five proposals dealing with dogs on Monday, August 10. The American Kennel Club encourages all dog owners in New Jersey to review the proposals and contact the members of the committee with any concerns you may have. Assembly Bill 2389 and Senate […]
| August 6, 2015
NC Senate Considering Bill to Allow Law Enforcement to Adopt Retired Service Animals
The North Carolina Senate is expected to vote on a bill on July 29 that would allow law enforcement in Raleigh and cities and towns in Mecklenburg County the opportunity to adopt the animals they worked with, once those animals have retired from service. The American Kennel Club supports House Bill 199, which will ensure […]
| July 22, 2015
Substantial Reduction in the Number of Abandoned Dogs Entering Shelters
Dog lovers all over the US have reason to celebrate news from the NAIA, which reported recently that the number of dogs entering US shelters has dropped significantly over the past few decades to new lows. Digging deeper into the matter, NAIA also learned that only about three percent of dogs in our country’s shelters […]
| July 20, 2015