Connecticut Info: Legislative Committee to Consider Dog Bills on Friday, March 20
The Joint Environment Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly will consider five proposals on Friday, March 20, 2015, that deal with dogs. Connecticut residents are encouraged to contact the committee members and express their support or concerns with the proposals. SYNOPSES OF BILLS HB 5707 HB 5707 seeks to provide for the proper sheltering of […]
| March 17, 2015
NY Codes Committee to Consider Debarking Ban TOMORROW
The NY Assembly Codes Committee is scheduled to consider a ban on debarking at a hearing tomorrow (Tuesday, March 17). The bill has already been approved by the Assembly Agriculture Committee. The AKC opposes this bill, which would restrict the rights of responsible dog owners to make viable, safe decisions on behalf of their pets […]
| March 16, 2015
AKC Supports Veterinarian-Led Bill to Protect Dogs and Crack Down on Animal Cruelty
The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports North Carolina Senate Bill 209, which takes an important step to protect the health and welfare of all dogs in North Carolina. SB 209, introduced earlier this week by North Carolina Senators Trudy Wade, DVM, Bill Rabon, DVM and Andrew Brock, would establish the "NC Pets We Care Hotline" […]
| March 13, 2015
Georgia: Next Steps to Support Bill that Stops Breed-Specific Legislation
A good bill that will help protect dogs and dog owners is getting closer to becoming a law in Georgia. This bill would stop cities and counties from enacting breed-specific legislation and breed bans. Your help is needed more than ever to help keep this bill moving! Senate Bill 184 would prohibit local governments from […]
| March 13, 2015
Delaware: Support Bill to Protect Dogs in Vehicles
The Delaware Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Wednesday, March 18, that would amend the state definition of cruelty to include confining an animal unattended in a standing or parked motor vehicle in which the temperature would endanger the animal's health or safety. Senate Bill 22 would also allow law enforcement […]
| March 13, 2015
Washington State: Support Bill to Protect Dogs in Vehicles
Dear AKC Delegates, Club Officers, Judges and Breeders, Please forward this information to your club members in Washington State. The Washington State House Judiciary Committee will hear Senate Bill 5501 on Tuesday, March 17th. The measure will make it a class 2 civil infraction (punishable by a fine of up to $125) to "leave or […]
| March 13, 2015
New Mexico Bill Could Lead to Statewide Mandatory Spay/Neuter
House Bill 415 passed by the New Mexico House of Representatives earlier this week contains language that could allow local mandatory spay/neuter policies to be enacted in the state. As introduced, HB 415 would have established a statewide spay and neuter account and allowed for an optional tax refund for those who contribute to the […]
| March 13, 2015
Arkansas: Committee to Consider Dog Breeder Bill on 3/11/15
On March 11, 2015, the Arkansas House Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Economic Development is scheduled to consider House Bill 1620, which would establish regulations, fees, inspections, and problematic requirements for dog breeders and for dogs "sold for commercial purposes." The definitions in the bill are contradictory. A "commercial breeding kennel" would be defined as […]
| March 10, 2015
NY to Consider Debarking Ban Tomorrow
The NY Assembly Agriculture Committee is scheduled to consider a bill tomorrow (Tuesday, March 10) that would ban the practice of debarking in the state unless it is medically necessary to treat an injury, illness, or congenital defect. The AKC opposes this bill, which would restrict the rights of responsible dog owners to make viable, […]
| March 9, 2015
Oppose Animal Control Changes in Clark County, NV Your Help Needed TODAY!
Dear AKC Delegates, Judges, Club Officers and Breeders, Please immediately forward this information to your club members in Nevada. The AKC Government Relations team has just become aware of proposed changes to the Clark County, NV animal control code which will negatively impact breeders, fanciers and dog owners. Comments must be received by 5pm PST […]
| March 9, 2015