Montana: Support Bill to Provide Protection to Animal Facilities – Hearing 1/27/15
The Montana House Agriculture Committee is scheduled to consider House Bill 179 on January 27, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. This bill would make it illegal for a humane shelter or its employees to engage in activities at an animal facility without the owner’s consent. It would not apply to the lawful activities of a government […]
| January 26, 2015
Support New Jersey Resolution Endorsing AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Program
New Jersey Senate Resolution 102, sponsored by Senator Jeff Van Drew, endorses the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen Program and supports its efforts to promote responsible dog ownership. The resolution will be considered by the Senate Economic Growth Committee on Thursday, January 29. AKC encourages all New Jersey residents to contact the members of […]
| January 26, 2015
Kansas to Consider Expanded Breeder/Rescue Inspections and Regulations on Monday (1/26)
The Kansas House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources is considering a bill this Monday, January 26, that will expand who must be regulated under the state’s breeder laws. The bill will also create new requirements for those who are involved in rescue and those who keep at least 4 dogs during any week for […]
| January 23, 2015
Montana: Hearing on Expansion of Animal Seizure Bond Provisions 1/20/15
The Montana Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider Senate Bill 115 on January 20, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. This bill would expand provisions regarding bonds for care of seized animals. The American Kennel Club’s concerns with SB 115 include, but are not limited to: SB 115 would limit the court’s discretion in cases of […]
| January 20, 2015
New Jersey Legislation Would Allow Service Dogs on School Buses
Current New Jersey law allows students with a disability to bring service animals into classrooms and school grounds, but fails to specifically allow them to bring service animals (including service dogs) onto school busses. New Jersey Assembly Bill 3690 and Senate Bill 2601 seek to remedy that oversight by clearly allowing disabled students to bring […]
| January 19, 2015