Illinois: Ask Committee to Oppose Bill Limiting Pet Choice, Breed Rescue TODAY
The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee will likely consider a bill next week that would limit pet stores to sourcing dogs and cats only from shelters and rescues that have no affiliation with breeders. House Bill 1711 is virtually identical to a bill considered and defeated earlier this year by the Senate Agriculture Committee.  However, the […] | May 21, 2021
TX Alert: AKC Supports Amended HB 1818, Requests Your Support
Yesterday, the Texas Senate Business and Commerce Committee approved an amended version of House Bill 1818.  As previously reported, this committee substitute is supported by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other animal interest organizations as a reasonable alternative to the severe impact earlier versions of the bill would have had on both the type […] | May 21, 2021
Update on Rhode Island “Lawyers for Animals” Bills
AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) continues to work in opposition to Senate Bill 534 and Senate Bill 601, which seek to create court- appointed legal advocates for animals. The Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee considered both bills at its May 6, 2021, hearing.  AKC thanks the many concerned residents who responded to our May 3, […] | May 19, 2021
New York: Non-Economic Damages Bill Advances – Call Your Senator
The New York Senate continues to advance a bill that would allow a person to receive damages for mental distress or emotional harm caused by the injury or death of a companion animal. AKC opposes this bill.  Allowing non-economic damages for pets calls into question the legal status of pets as property. The legal concept […] | May 18, 2021
TX ACTION UPDATE: AKC-Supported Substitute to Pet Store Bill Adopted by Senate Committee—Express Support for CSHB 1818 Today!
Today, the Texas Senate Business and Commerce Committee adopted a substitute to House Bill 1818. Originally and as passed by the Texas House, HB 1818 would have limited the sources of dogs and cats sold by certain Texas pet stores to only those sourced from animal control agencies, animal shelters, and animal rescue organizations.  The […] | May 18, 2021
MA: Express Your Support Today for “Nero’s Law”, Allowing Emergency Care to Police K-9s
The Massachusetts Senate is scheduled to begin debating its fiscal priorities in SB 3, its version of the budget bill, on Tuesday, May 25, 2021.  In an effort to further support the use of police K-9s in the Commonwealth, Senator Mark Montigny has filed Amendment #580, the text from “Nero’s Law”, as an amendment to […] | May 18, 2021
TX Alert: Corpus Christi City Council to Consider Animal Ordinance Changes Tomorrow, May 18
AKC has just learned that the city council of Corpus Christi, Texas, is scheduled to consider extensive changes to the city’s animal ordinances on Tuesday, May 18.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) has concerns with the proposal’s  requirement that all dogs be spay/neutered on a first redemption from the city’s animal shelter; and believes that […] | May 17, 2021
Illinois: Two Harmful Proposals Still Active in Legislature – Call Today
Although the Illinois session is expected to wind down over the next few weeks, two important bills that would undermine impact responsible dog ownership remain active in the state legislature. AKC and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs are working to advocate and communicate our position to legislators, and we need your help!  We urge […] | May 17, 2021
TX Action Alert Update: HB 1818 Scheduled for Committee Hearing 8AM Tomorrow, May 18—Last Chance to Express Opposition
Texas House Bill 1818, which seeks to limit most Texas pet stores from selling purpose-bred dogs, is scheduled to be considered by the Senate Business and Commerce Committee, tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18, at 8AM.  The American Kennel Club (AKC) and a broad coalition of interest groups strongly oppose HB 1818. With legislative deadlines and the […] | May 17, 2021
New York Committee to Consider Troublesome Non-Economic Damages for Pets on Tuesday – Call Today!
On Tuesday, May 18, the New York Senate Judiciary Committee is considering a bill that would allow a person to receive damages for mental distress or emotional harm caused by the injury or death of a companion animal. Although such concepts may sound benign, they represent a potential change in the legal status of animals […] | May 14, 2021

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