Ask Indiana Committee to Support Bill to Help Reunite Lost Animals With Owners
The Indiana House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee is considering a bill on Wednesday, February 10, that provides further regulations to help reunite lost pets with their owners. AKC GR encourages those who reside or participate in dog events in Indiana to contact the committee in support of this legislation. Scroll down for contact information. […]
| February 8, 2021
UPDATE NH: Hearing Time Changed to 2:30pm Tomorrow for Animal Records Database Bill
New Hampshire residents planning to testify tomorrow, Tuesday, February 9, 2021 on SB 127, CONCERNING ORIGINAL ANIMAL RECORDS DATABASE LANGUAGE should note that the Senate Finance Committee has moved the public hearing to 2:30pm. SB 127 is a budget bill before the Senate Finance Committee that includes provisions establishing an animal records database identical to […]
| February 8, 2021
CT: Hearing to Support Police K9s on February 11th
On Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 1pm, the Connecticut Joint Committee on Public Safety and Security is scheduled to hold a public hearing on SB 123. This bill would increase the penalty for injuring or killing a police K-9 under the supervision of an officer or a dog that is a member of a volunteer […]
| February 5, 2021
NH Alert: Hearings on Three Bills Impacting Dogs Next Week
Next week, three bills impacting dogs are scheduled for a public hearing. The American Kennel Club (AKC) strongly encourages those who reside in New Hampshire to contact the committees as follows: CONCERNING ORIGINAL ANIMAL RECORDS DATABASE LANGUAGE Tuesday, February 9th at 1pm: SB 127 is a budget bill before the Senate Finance Committee that includes […]
| February 5, 2021
Oklahoma Information: Bill Seeks to Remove Breeder Reporting Requirement
The Oklahoma Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee is considering a bill on Monday, February 8, to remove the commercial breeder reporting requirements. Under current law, “commercial breeders” are defined as those who possess “11 or more intact females for the purpose of breeding…. or direct or indirect sale or exchange…” Those who meet this definition […]
| February 5, 2021
Texas Update: Licensed Breeder Rules Updated to Comply with 2019 Legislation
Today, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) announced the final adoption of amendments to the state’s rules for its Licensed Breeders Program. The changes were required by Senate Bill 1531, which was enacted in 2019 and added pleas of “no contest” to animal cruelty charges as a ground for denying or refusing to […]
| February 5, 2021
Maysville, GA: Public Meeting on Problematic Animal Ordinance, Monday, February 8
The mayor and city council of Maysville, GA, will hold meetings to hear public comments on a proposed animal ordinance that would apply to the sections of the City of Maysville that lie within Banks County. The first meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., prior to the city council meeting. Additional […]
| February 5, 2021
Maryland: Support Bill Providing Liability Protections for COVID Exposure (Update)
Tomorrow, February 3, the Maryland House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on House Bill 508, which provides certain liability protections when there has been exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Those AKC clubs with concerns about the ability to conduct events while under a higher potential exposure to liability actions associated with COVID-19 may […]
| February 2, 2021
Wyoming: Update on Bills Regarding Animal Seizures
The Wyoming Senate continues to consider how to address the issue of animals being seized, and the payment of their care during impoundment. Both Senate Bills 24 and 25 would require those whose animals are seized on suspicion of cruelty to pay a bond to cover the costs of care while the animals are impounded. […]
| February 2, 2021
Virginia Update: Bill Seeking to Expand Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services Fails in Sub-Committee
As mentioned in a previous alert, the Virginia House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources (ACNR) Agriculture Sub-Committee was considering a substitute version of HB 2109 which originally sought to expand the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services by adding an at-large member who is expert in companion animal welfare who is employed by […]
| February 1, 2021