APHIS Updates Policies on Public Information
USDA-APHIS, which oversees enforcement of the federal Animal Welfare Act, has updated its policies on what information it provides to the general public.
| February 6, 2017
Maryland Hearing on 2/7 to Consider Troublesome Expansion of Kennel Licensing Laws
The Maryland House Environment and Transportation Committee is scheduled to consider a bill on Tuesday, February 7, that will significantly expand who must obtain a local kennel license.
| February 3, 2017
Neptune Beach (FL) Proposed Animal Ordinance Contains Problematic Sections
A proposed ordinance that contains provisions of concern to dog owners has passed first reading in Neptune Beach, Florida.
| February 3, 2017
Hawaii Action Needed: Committee to Hear Multiple Problematic Dog-Related Bills Tomorrow, Feb. 3
The Hawaii House of Representative's Agriculture Committee is scheduled to consider several dog-related proposals on Friday, February 3, that severely restrict the rights of responsible dog owners.
| February 2, 2017
NJ ACTION NEEDED: Unintended Consequences of SCS 1640 Could Hurt Responsible Dog Owners, Dog Shows
The American Kennel Club (AKC) has strong concerns about numerous provisions in the current version of SB 1640. As currently written, the bill mischaracterizes "cruel" and bans even temporary tethering in a variety of humane circumstances, including the use of a grooming table for grooming or exhibition or tethering by disabled owners of service dogs […]
| January 27, 2017
NJ Alert: Bills Impacting Consumer Protections to be Heard Monday, January 30 ‘ Take Action Now!
New Jersey Assembly Bill 2338 and Senate Bill 63, which seek to amend the state's Pet Purchase Protection Act with many confusing provisions, to significantly restrict the ability of pet owners to obtain a puppy of their choice, and to significantly limit some hobby breeders, are scheduled to be considered by the Assembly Appropriations Committee […]
| January 26, 2017
Informational Update: New York Measures Seek to Regulate Dog Trainers
Proposals have been introduced in the New York Senate and the Nassau County Legislature that seek to license and regulate those who train dogs. At this time, neither of these bills are scheduled for hearings, and the AKC Government Relations Department continues to closely monitor both proposals.
| January 20, 2017
Bill Seeks to Prevent Breed-Specific Dog Policy (BSL) in Washington ‘ Voice Support Now!
Senate Bill 5094 includes legislative findings that state that a dog's breed is not inherently indicative of whether or not a dog is dangerous, and that the criteria for determining whether or not a dog is dangerous or potentially dangerous should be focused on a dog's behavior.
| January 13, 2017