CT Update: Bills Held by Joint Judiciary Committee
On Friday, at the last meeting of the Connecticut General Assembly Joint Committee on the Judiciary, the committee held back on two bills impacting animal welfare. SB 1060, would amend current law that allows the court to appoint lawyers or law students to represent dogs and cats in proceedings concerning their welfare or custody by […]
| April 4, 2023
US Congress: Proposed Breeder Restrictions Could Impact You. Tell Congress to Oppose
Arbitrary federal legislation to restrict the activities of dogs breeders has been re-introduced in Congress. Though labeled as commercial breeding regulations, the one-size-fits-all requirements can also apply to small hobby breeders. Your action is urgently needed to stop the animal-rights supported Puppy Protection Act (H.R. 1624) and to protect the rights of responsible dog breeders […]
| April 4, 2023
Delaware Update: Reporting Animal Abuse, Regulating Barking Dogs, and Naming a State Dog
This week, Delaware legislative committees are considering bills regarding animal cruelty reporting and naming the rescue dog as the official state dog. In addition, while the hearing has not been rescheduled, legislators are still deliberating a bill that would regulate dog barking statewide. Below are the latest updates, along with information on how to comment: […]
| April 3, 2023