Good Luck to 2 Canine Partners Members On Their Way to International Agility Event
Good luck to Dynamite and Monkey Joe, two mixed-breed dogs, who will represent the AKC and the United States as part of the AKC European Open Agility Team! The world competition takes place this weekend, July 24-26, in Reiden, Germany. Dynamite and Monkey Joe earned spots on the team during the AKC World Team Try-outs […]
| July 20, 2015
Teen & His Dog Excel at Many Sports, Thanks to Start from AKC & 4H
Mix a high-drive Labrador with an active 8-year-old boy, and you cook up a mother looking for an outlet. Lucia Pink found it when her eyes landed on a newspaper advertisement for a Kids and Dogs Day Camp at the Imperial Polk Obedience Club. The camp ran for a week and Lucia thought it would […]
| July 17, 2015
Homeless Dog Survives Swim Across Waterway
It was a swim that would have tested the stamina of almost any dog. With sheer canine grit, an old black lab named Buttercup defied the odds by making it to the other side of the Port Washington Narrows in Bremerton, WA. The homeless dog was rescued, and the good news is that she has […]
| July 17, 2015
Almost Given Up On, Portia Now Shines as Therapy Dog
Portia Rocks Alsup THDD owned by Kathleen Smiley-Aslup of Rockford, IL Portia was a stray, found wandering the streets, and was taken in by Bullmastiff rescue groups after her rescue. But even rescue did not know what to do with her after a foster home did not want her back and adoptive owners returned her. […]
| July 17, 2015
Meet Porter: The World’s First Driving Dog!
We all know dogs are extremely smart and a New Zealand rescue group proved it by teaching three of their shelter dogs to drive cars. The experiment, conducted in 2012, was an effort to promote adoptions and show how capable and intelligent rescue dogs can be! Mixed-breed dogs and rescues, like Porter, can be part of […]
| July 16, 2015
Owner Refuses to Give Up on Dog Found Living in Culverts – Today She is Award-Winner!
Donald Rakestraw of Wichita, KS, wrote this amazing story of a nearly feral dog who was found living in culverts in a neighborhood. Donald and his wife, Naomi, adopted the dog after her rescue and quickly realized that they had taken on a dog with many serious issues, including extreme fear that led to growling […]
| July 16, 2015
Give The Dog A Bone – But Make Safe Choices
This cute husky-lab mix loves his bone, which looks like a safe choice and large enough that he can't swallow it. Bones give dogs the necessary exercise of chewing - and also help keep their teeth clean, but make sure you choose the right type and size for your dog's safety. Cooked bones are […]
| July 15, 2015
See a Future Competitor in Training – Watch Agility Practice Video
Koda is a 16-month-old Border Collie-Australian Shepherd mix who is in training to compete in AKC Agility trials. He and his owner/handler Tanya West-Hutchins of Portage, IN, are seen in practice in this video submitted by Tanya. Their trainer is Shirley Kilpatrick of Valparaiso, IN. Koda is a member of the AKC Canine Partners program […]
| July 15, 2015
The Nose Knows: Owner Discovers Tracking is Solution for Troubled Shelter Dog
I got Cleo from a local no-kill shelter. She was only 7 months old, and I was her fourth home. I enjoy outdoor activities: hiking, backpacking, skiing, etc., and Cleo was friendly and athletic. But when I got her home, I discovered I adopted Houdini. She got out of every fence/kennel I had. Cleo and […]
| July 15, 2015
Critter Patrol Specialist: Sophie
Sophie keeps all the critters in her yard in line. Here, she appears to have treed a pesky squirrel! Her owner, Lori Marino of Tampa, FL, says Sophie keeps herself busy for hours, watching for rabbits, squirrels, and birds! To keep visitors at a minimum in your backyard, do not put up bird houses, bird […]
| July 14, 2015