AKC Announces Debut of Online Litter Registration
New Service Offers Ease and Convenience to AKC Customers The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that as of October 27, 2003 litter registrations will be accepted online. This will enable users to more quickly and easily register their litters at www.akc.org. This service is the first of many new services that AKC […]
| October 27, 2003
David Roberts to head Registration Services
The American Kennel Club announced today that effective January 1, 2004, David Roberts will take over the duties of Dolores Alonso, Assistant Vice President (AVP) of Registration Services, who plans to retire at the end of 2003. Roberts, who is currently the AVP of Customer Relations, will maintain his current duties in addition to […]
| October 24, 2003
CGC: Boy Scouts Say It Has Merit
Boy Scout Troop #550 has been working at shows in Perry, Georgia for several years. This enthusiastic, hardworking group of scouts is recognized by many as the clean-up crew, but they also complete Boy Scout requirements at the shows. Time is scheduled for Scouts to observe breeds and these observations result in reports and projects […]
| October 22, 2003
AKC Vice President To Oversee Additional Responsibilities
The American Kennel Club announced today that effective immediately, Noreen E. Baxter will oversee the following departments in addition to her current duties: Communications, Internet Services, Marketing and Publications. Her title of Vice President of Public Education and Canine Legislation will change to Vice President of Communications. "By closely linking the efforts of these […]
| October 14, 2003
OUR DOGS: A Century of Images and Words from the AKC Gazette
From the prestigious American Kennel Club and its official publication, the AKC Gazette, comes a heartwarming tribute to our cherished canine companions. In unforgettable images and words, (Ballantine Books Hardcover; October 14, 2003; $29.95) beautifully captures the enduring bond between dogs and the owners who love them. More than 75 full-color photographs are accompanied […]
| October 14, 2003
Halloween With Your Dog
American Kennel Club Offers Tips For A Safe And Happy "Howloween" With Your Dog The day for trick or treating will soon be here, yet, neither tricks nor too many treats are good for your dog, and Halloween can certainly be a scary experience for your pet. Here are some tips from the American […]
| October 10, 2003
AKC ACE Presentation in Florida
On Thursday, October 9, Ordi, a German Shepherd Dog and this year's ACE Award winner in the category of Law Enforcement, received an honorary plaque at the German Shepherd Dog Club of America show in Daytona Beach, Florida. A check for $1,000 will be presented to Ordi's handler, Sergeant Tom Otten, at the AKC/Eukanuba National […]
| October 9, 2003
AKC ACE Presentation in Pennsylvania
On Saturday, October 4, Pepper, a German Shepherd Dog and this year's ACE Award recipient in the category of Search and Rescue Dog, received an honorary plaque at the Devon Dog Show Association show in Ludwigs Corner, Pennsylvania. A check for $1,000 and a silver medallion will be presented to Pepper's owners, Richard and […]
| October 7, 2003
AKC Announces Recipients of 2004 Lifetime Achievment Awards
The AKC Lifetime Achievement Awards honor those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the sport of purebred dogs on a national level. The recipients are selected by votes cast by AKC member clubs for one of three nominees in the categories of Conformation, Companion Events, and Performance. The awards, engraved Tiffany and Co. […]
| October 3, 2003
Dogs Depicted In Movies
In anticipation of the family film Good Boy! being released next week by MGM Pictures and Jim Henson Pictures, the American Kennel Club wants to remind moviegoers about the importance of making careful, educated decisions when considering adding a dog to their home. The AKC hopes to reiterate the message, which MGM responsibly included on […]
| October 3, 2003