The American Kennel Club Awards 2008 Junior Scholarships
  The American Kennel Club® is pleased to announce that 30 Junior Scholarships have been awarded to students from 14 states and Puerto Rico. The scholarships for high school, college and graduate school students range from $1,000 to $5,000 each for a total of $50,000. "The students we recognize with these awards are the future […] | May 6, 2008
AKC Calls On All Dog Organizations to Spread Responsible Dog Ownership Message This September
  Annual AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day Encompasses Hundreds of Events New York, NY – Each year, the American Kennel Club® calls on its nearly 5,000 affiliated dog clubs and all other pet-related organizations from around the country to participate in AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day. The nationwide initiative educates the public about the importance […] | April 30, 2008
AKC Director of Agility Sharon Anderson Retires
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Andy Hartman Appointed to Director of Agility
New York, NY – The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce the appointment of Andy Hartman to Director of Agility. Hartman joined the AKC in May, 2003 as the Agility Manager in the Companion Events department and was quickly promoted to Manager of Companion Events in September, 2003. In April 2004, he joined the […] | April 30, 2008
AKC Welcomes Dogue de Bordeaux to Working Group
  Six Breeds to Join the Miscellaneous Class The American Kennel Club® is pleased to welcome the Dogue de Bordeaux as the 158th AKC registered breed. The Dogue de Bordeaux, sometimes referred to as the "French Mastiff", will be eligible for full AKC® registration and competition in the Working Group at shows held on and […] | April 18, 2008
Doug Ljungren Promoted to AVP of Performance Events
The American Kennel Club® is pleased to announce the promotion of Doug Ljungren to Assistant Vice President of Performance Events. Doug joined the AKC as Director of Performance Events in March 2007. He has been responsible for all facets of AKC Field Trials, Hunting Tests, Herding, Lure Coursing and Earthdog Events since taking over for […] | April 15, 2008
American Kennel Club Cautions Owners: Pet Theft on the Rise
AKC Appears on NBC's Today Show to Offer Tips On Keeping Pets Safe Protect your dog with microchip identification, enrollment and 24-hour recovery service. Visit to learn more . The American Kennel Club® is warning pet owners and breeders about an alarming rise in dog thefts in recent months. From parking lots to pet […] | April 8, 2008
AKC Rule Change Allows Owners to Rename Their Dogs
  The American Kennel Club® (AKC) is pleased to announce a registration rule change that now allows owners of AKC registered dogs to change the official name of their pet. Dogs are eligible if they were born in the U.S., have never been bred, or have not won any awards at an AKC event. "We […] | March 25, 2008
American Kennel Club Celebrates Irish Dog Breeds in Spirit of St. Patrick’s Day
"A dog owns nothing, yet is seldom dissatisfied."-Irish Proverb New York -- It's no surprise that Ireland has produced many immortal writers, poets and musicians, but did you know there are several dog breeds that hail from the Emerald Isle? In honor of St. Patrick's Day on March 17th, the American Kennel Club® celebrates the […] | March 17, 2008
AKC’s Irish Breeds Appear on NBC’s Today Show
AKC spokesperson Gina Lash appeared live on the Today Show earlier today to celebrate the many dog breeds which hail from Ireland: the Irish Setter, Irish Terrier, Irish Water Spaniel, Irish Wolfhound, Kerry Blue Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and the Irish Red & White Setter. Watch the segment. Following the Today segment, the dogs […] | March 17, 2008

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