Do You Know a Canine Hero? Nominate a Dog for an AKC Humane Fund Award for Canine Excellence!
To celebrate the dogs who do extraordinary things in the service of humankind, the AKC Humane FundSM is seeking YOUR nominations for its AKC Humane Fund Awards for Canine Excellence (ACE).  Nominations are now open and winners will be announced in fall 2018. Each year, the AKC Humane Fund pays tribute to five dedicated, hardworking […] | June 13, 2018
The American Kennel Club Announces Winners Of The Companion Animal Law Writing Contest
The American Kennel Club (AKC®), the world's largest dog registry and leading advocate for dogs, is pleased to announce the winners of the Companion Animal Law Writing Contest. The contest was open to all students currently enrolled at an ABA-accredited law school and offered a first-place prize of $2500 and a second-place prize of $500. […] | May 24, 2018
The American Kennel Club Awards Two Noble Canine Heroes with 2018 AKC Paw of Courage
The American Kennel Club (AKC®), the world’s largest purebred dog registry and leading advocate for dogs, is proud to announce the recipients of the second set of 2018 AKC Paw of CourageSM awards to show appreciation for the working canines that put their lives on the line every day to keep our communities safe. This […] | May 15, 2018
AKC Humane Fund Celebrates Tenth Anniversary
The AKC® Humane Fund, a non-profit organization committed to supporting responsible pet ownership, is proud to announce that 2018 marks its ten-year anniversary. The idea to create the AKC Humane Fund was presented to the Board of Directors by Dennis B. Sprung and it achieved 501c3 status in 2008. It was created with the mission […] | May 4, 2018
The American Kennel Club Announces 2018 Junior Scholarship Recipients
The American Kennel Club (AKC®), the world's largest dog registry and leading industry authority and advocate for dogs, is pleased to announce that 23 exceptional students from 16 states have been awarded the American Kennel Club (AKC®) Junior Scholarship for 2018. The scholarships are offered to high school, college and graduate school students, and range […] | April 18, 2018
New Digital TV Network AKC.TV Airs 24/7 Content For Dog Lovers
It's Good Dog TV. AKC.TV, a brand new digital OTT network especially for dog lovers, launches today. This network, presented by The American Kennel Club (AKC®), brings 24/7 original dog centric content to viewers. All dog videos. All day. Created in conjunction with award-winning digital production and distribution company B Live, AKC.TV gives dog lovers […] | April 10, 2018
The American Kennel Club Releases New 2018 Point Schedule
The American Kennel Club Releases New 2018 Point Schedule -Realignment of Divisions Creates Equitable Distribution of Points-   Effective May 16, 2018, the new Schedule of Championship points will go into effect with a realignment of divisions. See it here: “While computing this year’s Point Schedule, we continued to listen to customer input and […] | April 3, 2018
Labrador Retriever Leads the Pack as Most Popular for 27th Year
Labrador Retriever Leads the Pack as Most Popular for 27th Year - French Bulldog Leaps into Top Five, Knocking Out the Beagle - New York, NY – The Labrador Retriever continues to break records!  The American Kennel Club (AKC®) announced at a press conference today that the loveable Lab once again is the number one […] | March 28, 2018
The American Kennel Club Unveils Its Relaunched Website
-The new expanded website provides one stop for all your dog’s needs- New York, NY- The American Kennel Club (AKC®), the world’s largest purebred dog registry and leading advocate for dogs, is pleased to announce the launch of its newly, re-designed website The website site has a completely redesigned and enhanced to include expanded […] | March 14, 2018
Alan Fausel
The American Kennel Club Hires Alan Fausel As Director Of AKC Cultural Resources
The American Kennel Club (AKC®), the world’s largest purebred dog registry and leading advocate for dogs, announces the hiring of Alan Fausel as Director of AKC Cultural Resources. Mr. Fausel has an extensive background in the art industry, having worked at the Fine Arts Museums in San Francisco and the Frick Art Museum in Pittsburgh. […] | March 7, 2018

Showing 421-430 of 1,383 results