Congrats to Juniors and their AADs in 2023 Junior Open Agility World Championship!
These handlers and their All American Dogs competed on a team of 24 Juniors July 12-16 in Southam, UK in the 2023 Junior Open Agility World Championship (JOAWC). More information on the event, including results, can be found at https://joawc2023.co.uk The team gave an impressive performance. The USA team was 15th overall, and in height divisions, […]
| July 27, 2023

Congrats to All American Dogs who took honors at the 2023 AKC National Rally Championship!
These All American Dogs turned in great performances at the 2023 AKC Rally National Championship in Wilmington, Ohio, June 16 - 17. If you missed seeing these exciting events, you can watch reruns on demand at any time by going to 2023 Rally National Championship at AKC TV on any device. MASTERS 2nd Place: Northbound Flew The Coop […]
| June 21, 2023

500 RUNS: CAX20 for Kai!
Iyong Tapat Kaibigan FDC CAX20 FCAT DN owned and handled by Stephanie J. Markgraf of Liberty, North Carolina Earned on February 24, 2023, Kai’s CAX20 was 10 years in the making: traveling almost 60,000 miles to compete in 14 states, running with 38 kennels clubs, earning 22 titles, with 500 qualifying runs. That’s a lot […]
| June 20, 2023

Luck Plus Love Equals Agility Championship
MACH Trippett's Twist Of Fate CD BN RE MXB MJS MXF SWE SBM RATO CGCA CGCU TKI owned by Lisa Trippett of Denton, MD About five years ago, sheer luck put Lisa on the road at the right moment to find Charlie, and it is why “Fate” became part of his name. She and her […]
| June 13, 2023

Congratulations to All American Dogs who took honors at the 2023 National Agility Championship!
Two All American Dogs were crowned champions at the AKC National Agility Championship presented by YuMove. Nimble (pictured) won the 12-inch division, and Strider won the 20-inch Preferred division (his second time taking this honor). Many other All Americans placed or made the finals! Nearly 1,300 of the top Agility dogs in the nation competed […]
| March 24, 2023

Good Luck to this Senior All American Going to the NAC!
MACH RACH Mavis Gunnels-McCord CDX BN GN RM3 RAE2 MXB MJS MFB T2B3 CGC TKI owned by Susan Gunnels & Stacey McCord of Little Rock, AR Mavis, an Australian Shepherd/Cattle Dog mix, earned her MACH on June 11, 2022, at the age of 10. Now 11 years old, she will make her first appearance at […]
| March 9, 2023
Winter Backpacking With Your Canine Partner
Linus loves to go backpacking in the Colorado Rockies any time of the year, but especially in the snow. The All-American Dog is hiking buddy to Louisa Morrissey of Silverthorne, CO. Linus is a member of the AKC Canine Partners program and also holds the titles of AKC Rally Novice (RN) and AKC Canine Good […]
| February 6, 2023