Applying for A Fetch Title
Dog owners can apply for their Fetch Title one of two ways:
- For faster service, apply using the online TAP-Title Application Portal
Fetch Title Application Form
(To apply for a Fetch title, send this Title Application and Judge’s Checklists from 2 Fetch tests to AKC).
Fetch Title Structure Explained
AKC Fetch is a fun AKC Family Dog program in which dogs can earn four levels of AKC titles by demonstrating retrieving skills. Below is a breakdown of each title offered and a quick overview of what a dog must do to earn a title at each of the four test levels. Be sure to check out the fetch test level videos as well. There is also a quick test level summary chart.
A dog must pass each test level twice in order to be able to apply for a title. Below are the four test level titles offered.
Novice – the dog earns the FTN (Fetch Novice)
Intermediate – the dog earns the FTI (Fetch Intermediate)
Advanced – the dog earns the FTA (Fetch Advanced)
Retriever – the dog earns the FTR (Fetch Retriever)
In Novice, dogs earn the FTN (Fetch Novice) title. Novice dogs must retrieve a tennis ball (or equivalent), retrieving bumper (also called a dummy) or a toy that has been thrown 30 ft.
The Novice course has 4 distractions. The dog goes between these to retrieve the ball. In Novice, the dog can see where the ball has been thrown.
The distractions are boxes, and the course may include one “fun” distraction such as a lawn chair or lawn ornament.
In Novice, the dog must do 3 single retrieves. In a single retrieve or “Single,” one ball is thrown the dog is given the cue by the handler (e.g., “Fetch it!”), then the dog retrieves and brings the ball to the handler.
The 3 singles will be thrown in any order chosen by the handler. There must be one ball thrown to the left, one to the center, and one to the right.
* Note that we refer to the “ball.” In Novice and Intermediate, this may be a ball, bumper, or toy.
In Intermediate, dogs earn the FTI (Fetch Intermediate) title. Intermediate dogs must retrieve a tennis ball (or equivalent), bumper, or toy that has been thrown 50 ft.
The Intermediate course has 8 distractions. The dog must go between these to retrieve the ball. The dog can see where the ball has been thrown.
The distractions are boxes, and the course may include up to two “fun” objects such as a lawn chair, or lawn ornaments.
In Intermediate, the dog must do 4 single retrieves. In any order (handler’s choice), these must be:
- 1 to the left
- 1 to the center
- 1 to the right
- then 1 more to the left or right (handler’s choice)
In Advanced, dogs earn the FTA (Fetch Advanced) title. At this level, retrieving gets serious!
The distance for the Advanced retrieves is 70 ft. The course has 3 blinds which are screens at least 24 inches tall, and 10 ft. to 12 ft. wide.
As the dog sits at the handler’s side at the start line, a helper drops a bumper behind each blind as the dog watches.
The handler may also choose to throw 3 bumpers/balls over the blinds.
The dog must do 2 single retrieves and 2 double retrieves. The order is chosen by the handler.
The 2 single retrieves will be one to the center and one to the right or left.
For the Double:
- The dog is seated at the handler’s side.
- The dog sits (and stays) and watches as the event helper drops the first bumper behind the blind. The helper gets the dog’s attention just before dropping the bumper by saying, “Hey, Hey, Hey,” or “Hey-Hey, Hey-Hey.”
- The helper then says, “Hey, Hey, Hey” (or “Hey-Hey, Hey-Hey”) and drops the 2nd bumper as the dog stays and watches.
- The handler sends the dog to fetch the first bumper (in the order chosen by the handler).
- When the dog returns the first bumper, it is directed to sit, and then it is sent to retrieve the 2nd bumper.
If the handler chooses to throw the bumpers rather than have them dropped, the handler may use a helper to throw. A Chuckit! may also be used to throw balls over the blinds.
In Retriever, the most advanced level of AKC Fetch, dogs earn the FTR (Fetch Retriever) title. The title “Retriever” indicates the dog can do advanced retrieving. All breeds who pass the Retriever test twice may earn the Retriever title.
The distance for the retrieves is 80 ft. and as with Advanced, the course has 3 blinds. The blinds are at least 24 inches tall and 10 ft. to 12 ft. wide.
In Retriever, the dog must do 2 double retrieves (“Doubles”) and 1 Triple retrieve. The order of the Doubles and the Triple is chosen by the handler.
The 2 Doubles will be to the center, right or left. The Triple must be 1 center, 1 right, and 1 left (with the order chosen by the handler). Bumpers may be dropped by the helper, or the handler may choose to throw the bumpers/balls or have a helper throw. A Chuckit! may be used.
For the Triple retrieve,
- The dog is seated at the handler’s side.
- The dog sits (and stays) and watches as the helper says, “Hey, Hey, Hey” (or,“Hey-Hey, Hey-Hey”) and drops the first bumper behind the blind.
- The helper repeats, ”Hey, Hey, Hey” and drops the 2nd bumper, then the 3rd.
- The handler sends the dog to fetch one bumper.
- When the dog returns the first bumper, it is directed to sit, and then it is sent to retrieve the 2nd bumper, and after that the 3rd bumper.
- The order in which the bumpers are retrieved is the handler’s choice.
- The handler may choose to throw the bumpers or balls.
Be sure to check out the videos of dogs running in Fetch here.