Outstanding Performances from the 2019 AKC Trick Dog National Competition
“Teuila” (Dalmatian) & Nicole Wright
Teuila and the Dog Catcher
“Kelly” (Miniature Schnauzer) & Jan Bajovich
Kelly’s Busy Day
“ Talley” (Greyhound) & Patti & Karl Hayes
A Greyhound Went to a Funeral
“Lizzy” (Rat Terrier) & Janee Nekuda
Lizzy Joins the Circus
“Arden” (Papillon) & Bobbie Kurivial
Arden the Artist
“Hannah” (Australian Shepherd) & Kelly Corl
Hannah Banana’s Circus
“Meeka” (Australian Shepherd) & Jamie Heberlein
A Day in the Life of Meeka
“Cricket” (Russell Terrier) & Elizabeth Berthold
Jurassic Park
Star Wars
“Sophie” (Australian Shepherd) & Lynda Hardison
Getting a New Puppy
“Gritz” (Mixed Breed) & Ellen Powers
Indiana Gritz and the Jeweled Rings
“Winston” (Glen of Imaal Terrier) & Kelli Whitfield
History of the Glen of Imaal Terrier
“Cooper” (Russell Terrier) & Kelli Whitfield
A Day in the Life of Cooper
“Swag” (Papillon) & Mary Hostetter
Swag’s Olympic Dream
“Skye” (Australian Shepherd) & Maggie Weston
Skye Goes on Vacation, First Rescues Cat From Tree
“Amos” (Border Collie) & Debbi Snyder
Amos Has a Christmas Party
“Maddie” (Australian Terrier) & Muriel McMullen
Cat in the Hat
“Tyler” (Toy Fox Terrier) & Christine Bowker
Tyler Joins the Circus
“Xena” (Basset) & Cheryl Cieslinski
Day in the Life of a Super Hero
“Sliver” (Golden Retriever) & Dee Dee Anderson
A Day in the Life of Sliver
“McCoy” (Flat-coated Retriever) & Brenda Griffin
McCoy’s Carnival of Fun and Games