We are pleased to announce the AKC FIT DOG Program for instructors. CGC Evaluators can become AKC FIT DOG Instructors by completing a new three-level course in AKC Canine College at:
The purpose of the course is to teach instructors who are AKC CGC Evaluators how to teach a basic canine fitness class.
The class can be done in-person, or you can teach the class remotely.
In each level of the course, evaluators complete modules for 6 weeks of instruction. For each week, there is a video, corresponding written material, and a quiz. The modules may be completed at the evaluator’s own pace. Instructors may teach a Level 1 course as soon as they complete Level 1.
Ideally, instructors will complete all three levels of the course, but this is not required.
The course is taught by Jamie Popper. Jamie has been working in the pet training industry since 2011. She competes in multiple sports with her dogs, including competitive obedience, disc, and rally. She enjoys testing her training methods in these rigorous competition sports. Jamie has formal education and canine conditioning and strength training from the University of Tennessee, where she earned the Certified Canine Fitness Trainer credential. Through ongoing learning, attending seminars, and workshops with professionals around the United States, she has developed her canine fitness skill set. Since 2015, Jamie has dedicated herself full-time to Blue-9 Pet Products, where she is involved with the development of educational materials and programs.
At the completion of each level of the course, newly approved AKC FIT DOG instructors receive a certificate for their files and a logo that may be used on web pages to advertise classes.
The fee for each level of the course is $50 (less than $10 per lesson). To earn your AKC FIT DOG Instructor certificates, go to:
For questions, contact cgc@akc.org