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Public Education Educator Resources Dogs Around the World 3-5

Learning Objectives

Students will understand the origins of dogs and how their geography shaped them.


Grade Levels



National Council for the Social Studies Standards

3-People, Places, and Environments


Materials Needed

Computers with internet access

“Origins of the Dog” Worksheet




  • Explain to students that all dogs originated from wolves and that different dogs were common in different parts of the world.

Explicit Instruction and Guided Practice

  • Show students the Dog Map of the World by Joseph P. Sims (1933) here: Map
  • Have students work with a small group and choose one dog from the map.

Independent Working Time

  • Students will work together to research their dog.
  • They should use the following resources:
  • They should also research the country/region from which their dog originated.
  • As students are researching, they should fill out the “Origins of the Dog” worksheet.

Review and Closing

  • When students are done, they should present their findings to the class.



American Kennel Club Library and Archives. (n.d.) Retrieved from

David Rumsey Map Collection. (n.d.) Retrieved from 

Dog Breeds. (n.d.). Retrieved from