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Learning Objectives

Students will understand the importance of making sure a dog has enough water to drink daily and will demonstrate an understanding of measurement and estimation of liquid volumes of water.


Grade Levels



Common Core Mathematics Standards


Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units.  Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem.


Materials Needed

A class set of plastic beakers with cups as the unit of measurement displayed

Water (use the classroom sink or water jugs)


Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Worksheet: HERE

Liquid Volume Independent Work Document: HERE 

Crayons (one set per student)

AKC Article, Is Your Puppy Drinking Enough Water? HERE



Introduction and Guided Practice

  • Introduce students to the vocabulary word liquid volume (the amount of space a liquid takes up). Write the word and definition on the board or display on paper.  Show the students different examples of actual beakers and explain that they are used to measure liquid volume.  Explain that liquid volume is measured in different units, such as cups or ounces.
  • Discuss the importance of being a responsible dog owner with the class. Ask students what is necessary to be a responsible dog owner (feeding the dog and making sure they are getting the proper amount of water daily, taking the dog to the vet, walking the dog, training the dog, putting a collar and ID tag on your dog, etc.).
  • Talk about how important it is to make sure a dog gets the proper nutrition. Hand out a copy of the AKC Article: Is Your Puppy Drinking Enough Water? to each student.  Choose different students to read the article aloud.  Explain to students that dogs need to drink varying amounts of water depending on their body weight and age.
  • Tell the students that they will learn in this lesson how to appropriately measure and estimate the volume of water using a beaker.
  • Hand out the Measure and Estimate Liquid Volume Worksheet to each student. Complete the activity together as a class, and then have students practice pouring water in a beaker at ¼ cup and ¾ cup.  This should be done in a safe area, perhaps over a bucket or sink so that the water doesn’t spill. 
  • Connect the volume activity with the importance of making sure your dog gets the right amount of water to drink daily. Refer to the AKC Article: Is Your Puppy Drinking Enough Water?  Discuss how much water puppies and adult dogs should drink (may have to convert ounces to cups, 8 ounces=1 cup).  Have student volunteers practice pouring appropriate amounts that either the puppies or adult dogs need.

Independent Work

  • Students will complete the Liquid Volume Independent Work Worksheet with a partner. The teacher will circulate and ensure student understanding.

Review and Closing

  • Student groups will present the writing portion of their independent work to the class as a review.  Students can share one thing that they learned during the lesson.



Reisen, Jan. “Is Your Puppy Drinking Enough Water?” American Kennel Club, 7 June 2017,