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A tail-wagging crowd of well-trained dogs showed their skills at the Twin Ports Dog Training Club’s three days of AKC rally and obedience trials at the Four Seasons Event Center in Carlton, Minnesota, Friday through Saturday, July 10–12.

The fun began on Thursday evening, with “5 for 5” run-throughs, a casual get-together where owners can get in some practice with their dogs while raising money for the club with five minutes in the ring for a $5 donation. Participating were owners with a wide variety of breeds, including Swedish Vallhund, Dachshund, Manchester Terrier, Shetland Sheepdog, English Cocker Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bouvier des Flandres, and a young boy doing very good work with his Weimaraner.

Some photos from the “5 for 5” evening:


Photos courtesy Sunny DeYoung

Participant Sunny DeYoung reports on the Friday trial:

“This is the second year the Twin Ports trial has been at the Four Seasons Event Center in Carlton, Minnesota. The location is an ice hockey arena, and it’s a great site—only a couple of miles from Jay Cooke State Park, which has beautiful trails, rivers, kayaking, and canoeing. My husband came along and spent the morning there with the dogs. It’s a very friendly club and a spacious venue. There are restaurants within walking distance, and the small city of Duluth is only 16 miles away.

“There were more than 220 entries in obedience over the three days. There was only one Novice A entry, but there were lots of entries in Beginner Novice, so maybe that’s where people are starting now.

Dog wag shirt

“The weather was great—low 80s and mostly sunny. Duluth is a harbor port on Lake Superior, so there is the coming and going of commercial vessels that lends a distinct flavor to the area. We supped on walleye and wild rice burgers on Friday night with friends from the dog community. There is a very large local conformation show in Duluth hosted by the Duluth Kennel Club this same weekend, so there are many dog folks traveling the 16 miles back and forth.”

Sunny DeYoung

All photos courtesy Sunny DeYoung

Obedience Results

Friday and Saturday obedience trials:

Winning High in Trial and High Combined score for both Friday’s and Saturday’s obedience trials were Judy Super and her Golden Retriever “Deni,” Ch./OTCH Docmar Westmarch Denim Jeans, UDX6, OGM, RE, AX, AXJ, VER, JH. Friday’s High in Trial score was 199, with High Combined 396.5; Saturday’s High in Trial score was 199, with High Combined 397.5.

Sunday obedience trial:

High in Trial on Sunday were Pam Longville and her Rottweiler, “Shine,” Ceasar’s Legacy Born to Be a Star, UD, with a score of 198.5.

High Combined were Nicole Wiebusch and her Golden Retriever “Toby,” Shoreland’s Shock’n Y’all, UD, OM, AX, AXJ, OF, RAE, with a score of 390.5. (And Toby finished his UDX on the day!)

About Twin Ports Dog Training Club

Twin Ports Dog Training Club offers a wide range of local dog training classes, including Puppy Class, Conformation Handling, Beginner Obedience, Advanced Obedience, AKC Rally, and Canine Good Citizen classes.

For information you can visit the club’s website, call (218) 729-5311, or e-mail the club’s secretary, Denise Swanstrom.
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Canine Good Citizen (CGC)

This program is recognized as the gold standard for dog behavior. In CGC, dogs who pass the 10 step CGC test can earn a certificate and/or the official AKC CGC title.
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