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Here’s everything you’ll need prior to joining the Breeder of Merit program: 

  • Have a history of at least 5 years involvement with AKC events 
  • Can demonstrate a commitment to individually registering 100 percent of the puppies you’ve bred
  • Have earned either AKC Conformation, Performance, or Companion* event titles on at least four dogs from AKC litters you’ve bred/co-bred** 
  • Are a member of an AKC breed club 
  • Can certify that applicable health tests are performed on your breeding stock, as recommended by the Parent Club. Health test requirements can be found here.

Advanced Level Breeders of Merit Requirements 

Advanced-Level Recognition is available to Breeder of Merit program members who meet the following requirements: 

  • Provide proof of Parent Club-required health testing on sires and dams of litters 
  • Ensure all puppies are individually AKC-registered 

Breeders who have produced a number of titled dogs will be recognized at the following levels:

Breeder of Merit – current Minimum Of 4 Dogs Earning Titles
Breeder of Merit – Bronze Minimum Of 10 Dogs Earning Titles With At Least 5 Earning Prefix Titles
Breeder of Merit – Silver Minimum Of 25 Dogs Earning Titles With At Least 15 Earning Prefix Titles
Breeder of Merit – Gold Minimum Of 50 Dogs Earning Titles With At Least 30 Earning Prefix Titles
Breeder of Merit – Platinum Minimum Of 100 Dogs Earning Titles With At Least 60 Earning Prefix Titles

Both prefix (Champion titles in all venues) and suffix titles recognize titles earned in AKC Conformation, Companion, and Performance events.

* Titles you’ve applied for, i.e. CGC, Trick Dog, NADD, Parent Club titles, etc., do not meet this requirement. Titles must be either competitive, require multiple passes, or the opinion of more than one judge. 

**Applicable for each breed you’re applying for 

Breeder of Merit sponsored by Royal Canin 

The American Kennel Club recognizes Breeders of Merit for their dedication to breeding purebred dogs with the appearance, temperament, and abilities that are true to their breed standard, and for their commitment to health screening and 100 percent puppy registration. The AKC celebrates their success in and passion for canine sports. They are the pinnacle of the AKC community.