Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices
Take Precautions to Prevent Kennel Cough
One dog with kennel cough can quickly lead to every dog in your kennel contracting the illness. Find out below what you can do to prevent an outbreak in your kennel or home. What Is Kennel Cough? Kennel cough is a highly contagious upper-respiratory infection seen in dogs of all ages. Kennel cough is a […]
| December 5, 2017
Legislative Alerts
ALERT: Changes to Legislative Calendars in New England
In response to the latest coronavirus news, AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) has learned that Legislative Leaders in New England have taken various steps to mitigate the outbreak. Please refer to the summary for each state below and know that we will keep you informed of changes as they develop. Connecticut: After initially re-scheduling public […]
| March 16, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Maine Info: Emergency Act Signed by Maine Governor Extends Dog License Compliance Period
Legislative Leaders in New England continue various steps to mitigate the outbreak of COVID-19. On Tuesday, March 17, the Maine Legislature adjourned after sending Governor Janet Mills an emergency bill to help facilitate the state’s response to the coronavirus. Governor Mills signed that measure into law yesterday. Among its many provisions, Public Law Chapter 617 […]
| March 19, 2020
Legislative Alerts
AKC Urges Officials To Allow Pet Food & Service Suppliers To Remain Open During COVID -19 Crisis
The American Kennel Club (AKC) today joined with the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC) and other animal care leaders to urge government officials to help ensure the well-being of animals by allowing businesses that provide products and services for the care of pets to continue to operate during the COVID-19 response. Dennis Sprung, AKC […]
| March 21, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Ask Your Elected Officials to Declare Pet Services “Essential Businesses” During COVID-19 Related Closures
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many states are shutting down all but what they deem to be essential services and businesses – and AKC is asking for your help in ensuring our dogs continue to get the supplies and services they need and deserve. The American Kennel Club (AKC) joined this week with the Pet […]
| March 21, 2020
Legislative Alerts
MA Update: Governor Orders Closure of Non-Essential Businesses
In an ongoing effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus, this morning Massachusetts Governor Baker ordered all non-essential businesses in Massachusetts to close beginning at 12pm on Tuesday, March 24, 2020. The order is effective until April 7, 2020. A stay at home advisory is also being issued by the state’s Department of Public […]
| March 23, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Summary of Federal CARES Act
Dear AKC Club Officers and Delegates, Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we recognize that many of your clubs have had to make significant sacrifices, including cancelling the shows and events that you rely on for your viability. We want to assist you in every way possible. We have received a number of inquiries about whether […]
| April 1, 2020

Expert Advice: News
Lend a Paw: Sled Dogs Deliver Medicine, Therapy Dogs Go Virtual, & More
It’s well known that dogs increase happiness, reduce stress levels, and improve overall health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, dogs have been a source of relief: whether they’re cuddling on the couch beside us, in cute online videos, or in refreshingly positive news headlines. We’ve rounded up the most positive dog-related stories from the week of March 30-April […]
| April 6, 2020

Expert Advice: Health
How to Visit the Vet Safely in the COVID-19 Era
COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has drastically changed lives and requires a rethinking of even the most basic everyday tasks. That includes taking your dog to the vet—an essential service that many dog owners are wondering how to access safely in the COVID-19 era. But living in the age of COVID-19 doesn't […]
| April 16, 2020
Clubs & Delegates
Whats New in GR April 2020
What’s New from AKC Government Relations We hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. We know you are washing your hands, wearing your mask, and keeping a safe distance from others, but we have heard many people worry about whether their beloved dogs could catch or spread the […]
| April 30, 2020

Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices
AKC Canine Health Foundation Infectious Disease Fact Sheets – a Tool for Breeders
The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) provides educational resources and tools for dog breeders as part of its mission to advance the health of all dogs. To help responsible breeders utilize the latest canine health information in their breeding and rearing plans and share that information with their puppy buyers, CHF provides infectious disease facts […]
| May 8, 2020

Expert Advice: Feature
Therapy Dog Provides Virtual Comfort to Hospital as ‘Flat Finn’
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cathy Robbins and her five-year-old therapy dog, Finn, would visit multiple patients at Riddle Hospital in Pennsylvania a few days a week. They would share moments together comforting patients and their families — like the coma patient who physically shifted at Finn's touch, or the patient who briefly woke from […]
| May 29, 2020

Expert Advice: News
Getting a Dog Could Help Your Toddler Learn Social Skills
Nobody forgets their first dog: the childhood games, the companionship, and the undying loyalty between a kid and their pup. Now, researchers in Australia have found that bonding with a family dog can give even very young children much more than lifelong fond memories. A new study published in the journal Pediatric Research finds that […]
| July 22, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
Goofy Flat-Coated Retriever Is This Owner’s Conduit to Friends & Sports
Sherin Denny-Jenkins was out on a walk in Berlin in 2007 when she spotted someone coming her way with a dog. “All I could think was ‘Wow, that’s a beautiful dog!’ It was pretty and goofy at the same time,” she says. “I began talking to its owner and that was my introduction to the […]
| July 27, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
Australian Shepherds Forever: One Family’s Dedication to the Breed
Forty-five years ago Toni Pearson set eyes on a “Samoyed without a tail” that jokingly morphed into an Australian Shepherd. Today, Team Pearson (her husband, David, and twentysomething daughters, Anna and Laura) are all in on this versatile breed under the umbrella of Timberwood Aussies, in Granite Falls, Washington. “When I married David (an Englishman), […]
| August 18, 2020

Expert Advice: News
Local Dog Club in Washington Thrives Thanks to Approachability & Creativity
It began as a dream about two decades ago and now the Wenatchee Kennel Club’s sparkling new training facility has become Dog Central for the Washington state community of 70,000, which includes several neighboring towns. Make no mistake about it, the 7,880-square-foot building on a 2½-acre site in East Wenatchee is becoming the conduit for […]
| September 2, 2020
Legislative Alerts
Idaho: Governor Signs Bill Providing Certain COVID Liability Protections
The Governor of Idaho has signed House Bill 6, which provides certain liability protections when there has been exposure to the COVID-19 virus. This new law may be of potential interest to some AKC-affiliated clubs with concerns about conducting their events while under a higher-than-normal exposure to liability risks. Among other provisions, the new Idaho […]
| September 4, 2020
Legislative Alerts
North Carolina: Burke County Holding September 9 Hearing on Breeder Permits
The Burke County Animal Advisory Board has scheduled a public hearing for Wednesday, September 9, 2020, to further discuss proposed county breeder permits. Local breeders, sportsmen, and dog owners are strongly encouraged to attend the hearing and express your concerns (Scroll down for hearing information). This hearing is in response to a directive from the […]
| September 4, 2020

Expert Advice: Dog Breeds
Dandie Dinmont Terrier History: Behind the Breed
English novelists of centuries past gave us timeless characters who hopscotched from the printed page into our cultural consciousness, from Daniel DeFoe’s “Robinson Crusoe” to Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.” And in the dog world, there is one exceedingly rare terrier that owes its name – and arguably its continued existence – to a peripheral character in […]
| August 13, 2020